When A Star Falls: The Painful Story of Dele Alli’s Childhood

Dele Alli’s story is one of remarkable highs and deeply personal lows. Born to Kehinde, a Yoruba Nigerian father, and Denise, his English mother, Dele’s early life was marked by instability. Just a week after his birth, his father moved to the United States, leaving his mother, Denise, to raise him alone, despite struggling with alcohol addiction. Young Dele’s world was filled with uncertainty, but at age nine, he was given a chance to reconnect with his father. The two moved to Nigeria, where Dele sought to understand his heritage and roots.

Fame and Fallout: The Childhood Story and Tragic Decline of Dele Alli's Once Promising Career

Fame and Fallout: The Childhood Story and Tragic Decline of Dele Alli’s Once Promising Career

However, despite this reunion, Dele’s relationship with his father’s side of the family remained strained. His decision to stop using his surname “Alli” on his match shirts, preferring just “Dele,” symbolized the emotional disconnection he felt. This act raised questions among football fans and highlighted the unresolved tension between Dele and his father’s family.

Beneath his success, Dele’s journey was far from easy. At just six years old, he suffered abuse, and by the age of eight, he was already exposed to the dark world of dealing drugs. Despite these traumatic experiences, Dele rose to prominence, becoming one of the best footballers in the world at a young age. Yet, his rapid rise was soon followed by a steep decline as mental health struggles took their toll, leaving his once glittering career in turmoil.

This biography explores the depths of Dele Alli’s life—the hardships he faced, the triumphs he achieved, and the battles that nearly broke him. It offers a raw and honest look into the wounds he carries and the resilience that has defined his journey. Without further ado, let’s dive into the heart of Dele Alli’s story—one of immense talent, painful challenges, and a quest for peace.

Dele Alli Childhood Story – Early Life and Family Background:

Here’s an expanded and rephrased version of your text:

Bamidele Alli, commonly known as Dele Alli, hails from a Nigerian background. He was born on the 11th day of April 1996 in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. His father, Kehinde Kenny Alli, is a Nigerian businessman, while his mother, Denise Alli, is a British homemaker.

From a very young age, Dele showed an immense love for football; he began kicking a ball around as soon as he took his first steps at just one year old. This early enthusiasm laid the foundation for a remarkable career in the sport, eventually leading him to become a prominent figure in professional football. As he grew older, his dedication and talent propelled him through the ranks, allowing him to showcase his skills on some of the biggest stages in the game.

This is young Dele Alli in his childhood.

This is young Dele Alli in his childhood.

Dele Alli’s parents never took much interest in their son’s talent because of the constant marital issues that came their way.

Instability in their marriage led to a divorce at a time when Dele was just three years old.

His dad, Kenny, split from his mum, Denise, within a week of their wedding in 1996.

According to UK divorce laws, Denise was granted the full right to be with her son. Mr Kehinde Kenny Alli was allowed occasional visits to see his son Dele.

After their divorce, Dele stayed with his mum in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom while his father relocated to Nigeria to face his multi-million naira business he had set up through his hustle in the United Kingdom.

The separation of his parents led to a temporary forfeit of Dele’s football dreams. He could only play football occasionally, and his mum never got the chance to enrol him at any youth academy.

First Visit to Nigeria:

Constant communication from his dad while in Nigeria still kept the father/son relationship strong.

At the age of eight, Young Dele made up his mind to visit Nigeria for the first time.

Dele Alli’s dad taught him the Yoruba culture and made him understand the importance of wearing traditional clothes.

Young Dele Alli and his Dad during their visit to Nigeria.

Young Dele Alli and his Dad during their visit to Nigeria.

Soon after, young Dele realized he was a prince of a popular clan in the Nigerian Yoruba tribe. Ideally, his father was a son of a king. While in Lagos, Dele met and made friends with his extended family members.

Young Dele Alli was feeling at home in Nigeria.

Young Dele Alli was feeling at home in Nigeria.

Also, while in Lagos, he attended a £20,000-a-year international school. While in Nigeria, Dele noticed virtually all Nigerians were very friendly, hospitable, and open to him. He had never felt so much happiness since he was born.

Discovering warmth and hospitality in Nigeria - Dele's experience at an international school in Lagos was not just about education but also about finding happiness in the welcoming and friendly nature of the Nigerian people.

Discovering warmth and hospitality in Nigeria – Dele’s experience at an international school in Lagos was not just about education but also about finding happiness in the welcoming and friendly nature of the Nigerian people.

His stay in Nigeria was, however, short-lived due to his dad’s decision to expand his business to the United States. They both had to relocate there.

Dele Alli Issues with his Dad – The Untold Biography:

Alli enjoyed staying in Nigeria for almost a year before again moving to a mansion in Houston, Texas, with his dad Kehinde.

At some point in his life, Dele became uncomfortable. His dad made a decision to get married to someone he felt didn’t like him enough to be his stepmother. He attended the court wedding, which took place in Lagos.

After that event, tension grew between him and his dad concerning Lola, the new wife. This prompted fresh thoughts about leaving the United States.

He made up his mind and asked his dad to help him relocate back to the United Kingdom. One of the ideal reasons for returning was to rejuvenate his football dream, which he felt could alleviate his pains.

Returning to the UK:

Upon arriving in the United Kingdom, Dele met his mum in a total mess. She was soaring high into drugs and alcohol.

Dele's heartbreaking arrival in the UK - confronting his mother's struggles with addiction and the devastating impact it had on their relationship.

Dele’s heartbreaking arrival in the UK – confronting his mother’s struggles with addiction and the devastating impact it had on their relationship.

This marked the beginning of hatred for both parents, who he felt weren’t role models to him. Soon after, he began to live a wayward lifestyle himself.

According to Dele, “Having no parents by your side, the only choice was to stick to the street for support”.

This was the case of Dele Alli. He mixed up with gangs from the streets of London. When he was 13, Dele’s mother gave full approval of social services to fend for his need.

An amazing thing they did was to ignite his football dreams after promising them not to follow bad influences from the streets. He signed his first contract at 16.

Dele Alli Family Life:

This section of our Biography unveils more truths about his household. Let’s start with the head of the family.

About Dele Alli’s Father:

Mr Kehinde Kenny Alli is Dele Alli’s Dad. He is a crowned prince, a millionaire, and a well-known business executive in Lagos, Nigeria.

Before stepping his foot in the UK, Kehinde had a long-time dream of nationalizing in the United Kingdom.

For him, achieving this means getting married to a national and giving birth to a child to get a permanent stay, AKA (Kpali, the Nigeria meaning).

His objectives were met, and behold, a child was born by the name of Bamidele Jermaine Alli.

About Dele Alli Mother:

She needs not much introduction as we go straight to the point of her story. Dele Alli’s mum has spoken about the heartbreaking moment she gave her son away so he could fulfil his dream of becoming a top footballer.

Denise Alli faced significant challenges during her life, struggling with alcoholism and the threat of having her children taken away by Social Services. In a difficult decision, she chose to place Dele with a couple who would become his adoptive parents, providing him with the stability he needed.

Now a mother of four, Denise reflects on her past with pride and relief. Every time she sees her 19-year-old son, Dele, scoring for Tottenham Hotspur or representing his country, she feels reassured that she made the right choice for his future.

Until now, fans have not heard the full story behind Dele’s journey to success. With emotion in her voice, Denise opened up about the sacrifices she made and the deep love she has for her son.

In her words:

“I had to let him go to give him a better future. Emotionally, it was heartbreaking, but it was the right thing to do. I had a serious drinking problem triggered by my unhappy childhood.

I was hooked on vodka, beer — anything — for a few years. Social Services visited me after complaints from my neighbours about how I was raising my children, but my kids were never taken away.

“I made the difficult decision to allow Dele to live with another family because I believed it was the best way for him to pursue his life long dream of becoming a professional footballer,” Denise shared. “Letting go of my son was incredibly hard, but ultimately, it turned out to be his salvation. I am truly grateful for how everything has unfolded.”

His mum said: “When he scored the goal against France, I leapt out of my seat —I was so happy. My son has made it by himself. I am so pleased for him and super-proud of everything he has achieved.”

Denise also raised her son Lewis, daughters Becky, and the eldest, Barbara, who all stayed with her.

According to Dele Alli’s Mum,

“Times were difficult — very tough. I had four children by four different dads but none of the relationships lasted. I was a single mum. We were living in Milton Keynes in a three-bedroom council house, but it was a bit rough.

 Me and Dele were always very close when he was younger. He was my little cling-on. He’d always say, ‘Kiss me mom’. 

I could see he had talent, and I would take him to the park as much as I could. He always wanted to be a footballer since he was a little boy and dreamed of playing for Barcelona.”

As he grew up, his mum’s problems started to multiply, and at the same time, he began to get into trouble at school due to the absence of a true mother to guide him. She was also reported to Social Services.

Yet by the time Dele was 13, Denise began to worry he was about to fall in with gangs that were plaguing the Bradwell area of Milton Keynes where they lived. 

Denise agreed to let Dele move just six miles away to live with his close friend and fellow footballer, Harry Hickford, along with Harry’s parents, Alan and Sally.

While Denise insists he was never formally adopted, she let her son live full-time with the Hickfords and their two children in the more affluent area of Cosgrove.

Denise also said to justified herself:

“All the kids Dele’s age were on the streets smoking, arguing and robbing.

Some ended up in prison. I was worried my son would be tempted by that hood life. He was challenging at times, like most lads. He had to change secondary school and never settled at his first school.

The Hickfords weren’t close friends of mine, but they provided a lovely home, and I recognized that I had to give my son this opportunity to move forward and find success,” Denise recalled. “When he left, there were no tears, just a feeling of relief knowing he would be safe and off the streets.”

Dele told me, ‘I’m fine Mum. Don’t worry about me.’ He hugged me. It was tough but he was happy and I was happy.

Despite giving him away I have never been estranged from Dele. He would come back to my place for a sleepover about once every month. He is also close to his biological dad.. Kenny is so proud of him.”

The Agony:

This started when Dele joined Tottenham Hotspurs. The Sunday Mirror reported neither Denise nor Kehinde has seen the rising star since he signed for Tottenham from Milton Keynes Dons. Remembering the day he left, Denise told the Sunday Mirror:

“He was in high spirits and told me, ‘I love you, Mum.’ I had no idea that would be the last time I would see him, and it still shocks me,”

Denise reflected.

She continued,

“After one match, I waited outside to see him. When Dele finally came out, I softly said, ‘Dele… it’s me… your mum.’ He glanced at me but didn’t stop. He just said he was busy and drove away. I was heartbroken and in tears; that moment haunted me for a whole week.”

Reports indicate that it was after this time that Dele stopped wearing Alli on the back of his shirt. He has also reportedly moved house and changed his phone number. The devastated pair also revealed they have waited outside Tottenham matches and Dele’s training ground in the hope of seeing their son.

Kehinde, who is himself a multimillionaire entrepreneur originally from Nigeria, said he even paid to go on a stadium tour and to go watch his matches at White Hart Lane in an attempt to make contact.

More frustrations:

In an interview with the Sunday Mirror, Denise expressed,

“Not being able to see or talk to him is incredibly painful. He lived with me for many years, and I have always supported him both emotionally and financially.

I know some people might think we’re only after his money, but that’s far from the truth. I’m quite wealthy on my own and don’t need a dime from Dele. What I truly want is to be there for him and for him to understand that I love him. I’ve been a part of his life since childhood, and I have pictures to prove it.”

Both Kehinde and Denise added: “He may hate us because our divorce made us far from him at times he needed us the most.  In our hearts, we will keep praying to our son. We pray he comes back to our lives.”

Dele Alli Sister – Begs him to Forgive:

Barbara is Dele Alli’s eldest sister. She has always spoken out about the family rift, saying it is one of the “hardest things they’ve had to go through”.

Dele Alli’s sister, Barbara Johnson, has pleaded with the Tottenham Hotspur star to reconsider his decision not to speak to his family, saying that they are not after his wealth or fame.

 His elder sister has once appealed. Writing on Instagram, Barbara Johnson said: “What a heartbreaking story, hope you read this bro. We all miss you and love you dearly, we not after your money or your fame we just want our little #Delbot back, love you lots like jelly tots”.

Love Life:

Once upon a time, everyone was asking: Who is Dele Alli dating?… If you didn’t already know, Dele Alli’s girlfriend as of June 2017 is Ruby Mae.

Ruby Mae is already a full-fledged model at the age of 22 (As of 2017) and though she isn’t as famous as Kendall Jenner just yet. We bet she’s well on her way.

The 5′ 9″ beauty has even modelled for campaigns such as Dolce & Gabbana and continues to book photoshoots as her popularity increases.

Although Ruby Mae’s current net worth might not be substantial, her association with Dele Alli is likely to attract attention and opportunities in the future. She is currently represented by Boss Models Management in the UK, positioning her well in the modelling industry.

Many believe she is the reason why Dele Alli might not reunite with his parents anytime soon. As they would say, “She’s got a stronghold on him”.

He listens to her and prefers her to his family.

Dele Alli Childhood Career and Rise:

Alli has played football with his friends from local fields since his childhood. He came through the ranks at his local team in his neighbourhood called City Colts. This was where he learnt football.

Dele began what was termed a serious football career at age 11 when he returned to Milton Keynes from the United States.

He began training with Milton Keynes Dons at around 13. But when he signed up for the club at 16 (a time he broke into the first team), his parents said they were not invited, and as time went on, he was said to have become increasingly distant.

Dele Alli’s Bio – Rise to Fame Story:

His break-out year came in 2014 when he marshalled and controlled the midfield of MK Dons’ 4-0 home win over Manchester United in August 2014. His performance earned him plaudits from every pundit in the game and led to a comparison with Andrés Iniesta and Steven Gerrard.

Alli made his Premier League move to Tottenham in February 2015 for an initial transfer fee of £5 million on a five-and-a-half-year deal. He, however, stayed on loan at MK Dons for the remainder of the season.

Few expected Dele to make the first team when he started pre-season training with Spurs. But he wowed fans when he nutmegged Real Madrid star Luka Modric during a game in August and scored the equaliser against Leicester City two weeks into that season. It helped him become a first-team regular, and Spurs are set to double Dele’s wages to £20,000 a week.

Dele Alli rejected Nigeria:

In February 2015, it was reported that former Wimbledon player John Fashanu had tried to convince Alli to play for Nigeria.

Unlucky, John. After turning down an opportunity to play for Nigeria, Alli was invited to the England national team and made his debut against Estonia in October 2015, coming on as a late substitute for Ross Barkley in a 2–0 win. Without a doubt, Fash was seen as the best person to convince Dele to join the Super Eagles of Nigeria. He has been a father figure for him since his childhood.

The Manchester United Uplift:

He was dominating Manchester United when he was still at MK Dons.

Dele Alli made his Premier League debut by coming on as a sub for Spurs against Manchester United in the opening game of the season – but that wasn’t the first time the young midfielder made his mark against the English giants.

In Louis Van Gaal’s first season in England, Alli was part of an MK Dons team that embarrassed United 4-0 in the Capital One Cup.

Alli even thinks it was that performance that earned him a mega-money move to Spurs a few months later. According to Dele;

“You could say it helped me get noticed. We had a good year as a team and that was one of the stand-out matches. It was a great platform for the club and me, and a few of the other players.

The truth is, that game was a bit surreal against United. It was a game we didn’t really expect to win, let alone win by that much. We showed the world what we could do that night…”

A Liverpool Fan:

Alli was actually a Liverpool fan growing up and cites Steven Gerrard as his childhood hero.

The Liverpool Echo reported that Alli turned to the red side of Merseyside to find his football team, and in an interview with Complex, he spoke of his fandom for Kop icon Steven Gerrard growing up, revealing he used to buy his boots based on what the Liverpool captain was wearing at the time.

It is pertinent to state that Liverpool and MK Dons once agreed to a fee for Dele. Negotiations for his salary failed. Liverpool stated that they can’t pay him more than 4000 pounds per week.

Dele Alli Aggression:

Parental Neglect experienced in childhood has a special ability to wound, as we have seen in the case of Dele Alli. The fallout between him and his parents has indeed echoed through the years.

It has caused both negative and positive consequences. The negative side has to do with the frequent anger he displays on the pitch of play. This has caused several stirs among his opponents.

According to Dele, “I used to get quite angry on the pitch, so if I made a bad tackle or got a bit aggressive, Mauricio Pochettino would say: ‘That would be a red card in a professional match’ and take me out of the session. That probably calmed me down a bit on the pitch. But I still play with a bit of anger.

The Positive side of Dele:

Dele Alli has also transformed his tough childhood memories into the talent he is today. This signifies the positive side. He gets that mindset to destroy opposing teams each time he remembers where he came from and how he had journeyed through pain and neglect by his parents.

Aside from his coach, Dele Alli has one of his teammates to thank. There is no other person than Hugo Lloris, who has played a fatherly role for him from the moment he came to the Tottenham team.
 According to Dele,

“Hugo Lloris has been a big influence on me at Tottenham. He’s spoken to me about my aggression and that has helped me a lot.

He told me not to let that aggressive side fall out of my game, so I’m just going to keep being myself.”


As reported by BBC Sports, the former Spurs midfielder was (some years ago) held at knifepoint during the burglary. It happened in the early hours of a Wednesday morning.

Two men broke into Dele Alli’s house in London. He was at home at that time, where he is spending lockdown with his brother and their girlfriends.

Dele Alli was punched, and his life was threatened with a knife. He suffered minor facial injuries in a scuffle. The thieves ended up stealing jewellery items, including watches. After the robbery, the footballer sent CCTV footage to the London police.


Here’s a look at Dele Alli’s career rankings, gathered from credible sources. At just 22 years old, his market value peaked at a staggering €100 million in 2018. Fast forward a few years, and by the age of 28, his value had plummeted to less than €1 million, leaving him without a club. Fans around the world are now holding onto one thing—the hope that Dele can find his way back and see light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you for taking your quality time to read our version of Dele Ali’s Bio. Our team strive to give you the Biography of English Footballers. The life stories of Ben Godfrey, Fabian Delph and Brennan Johnson would interest you.

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