Inside Jarrad Branthwaite’s Childhood: Fighting Osgood-Schlatter Disease to Football Rise

Let me tell you the story of Jarrad Branthwaite, a footballer who overcame the challenges of Osgood-Schlatter disease to achieve professional success. This condition had also affected his father, Paul, during his youth. Known as ‘Baby Giraffe,’ Jarrad is the son of Donna and Paul Branthwaite. As a child, he loved football but was hesitant to mix with others. Starting to kick a ball at just 18 months old, Jarrad later found himself lacking the confidence to pursue a professional career. However, a simple piece of paper turned his struggling football journey around, leading to his eventual success. Now, let’s whet your appetite for his autobiography by diving into Jarrad’s remarkable story.

Inside Jarrad Branthwaite's Childhood: Fighting Osgood-Schlatter Disease to Football Rise

Inside Jarrad Branthwaite’s Childhood: Fighting Osgood-Schlatter Disease to Football Rise

Embark on the story of Jarrad Branthwaite, a defender whose beginnings in Cumbria paved the way for a promising career in football. Raised by Paul and Donna Branthwaite, Jarrad’s upbringing is a tale of familial support and the early dreams of football glory.

This piece isn’t just about his on-field achievements; it’s an intimate look into Jarrad’s life away from the game. Learn about the influence of his sister, Evie, his lifestyle choices, and personal ambitions.

Dive deeper into the life of Jarrad Branthwaite, uncovering the essence of his character, his relationships, and the journey from his hometown to the professional pitches.


Our version of Jarrad Branthwaite’s Biography begins by telling you notable events of his Childhood and Early Life.

Thereafter, we’ll explain the travails of his teenage years. Finally, how words from a piece of paper brought a turning point in his failing youth career.

We hope to whet your autobiography appetite as you read and digest Jarrad Branthwaite’s Bio. To begin that, we’ll first present you this photo gallery of his life trajectory.

Behold, the baby phase, boyhood life, teenage days and the Great Rise of the 6 foot 5 Defensive Giant.

The Biography of Jarrad Branthwaite. From his Childhood baby years to the pure moment of Football Fame.

The Biography of Jarrad Branthwaite. From his Childhood baby years to the pure moment of Football Fame.

From the moment you see him, you’ll appreciate his huge, physically imposing presence. In our opinion, Jarrad was an England international player in the making.

Football fans knew this Guy was special right from the day he joined the list of Everton’s teenage goalscorers.

Despite the beautiful things he is doing for football (at a relatively young age), we notice a huge knowledge gap.

We’ve found that not many football fans have read an in-depth piece of Jarrad Branthwaite’s Biography. So, without further ado, let’s begin his story.

Jarrad Branthwaite Childhood Story:

For his Life story staters, he bears the nickname ‘Baby Giraffe’. Jarrad Paul Branthwaite was born on the 27th day of June 2002 to his Mother, Donna Branthwaite, and Father, Paul Branthwaite, in Carlisle, England.

The footballer is one among two children (himself and a younger sister) born to the blissful marital union between his parents.

Here is a rare 2004 photo of a one year, nine-month-old Jarad alongside his Mum (Donna) and Dad (Paul). He was such a cute, adorable baby boy!

The youngster as a Kid. Meet Jarrad Branthwaite's Parents. His Father's name is Paul and his Mother's name is Donna.

The youngster as a Kid. Meet Jarrad Branthwaite’s Parents. His Father’s name is Paul and his Mother’s name is Donna.

Growing-Up Years:

Jarrad Branthwaite spent his childhood years in Wigton, a market town in the English Allerdale borough of Cumbria, England.

Baby Giraffe didn’t grow up alone, but alongside a younger sibling. This person is Evie Branthwaite, who is best known as Jarrad Branthwaite’s Sister.

This is Evie Branthwaite, the only sibling of Jarrad. The professional footballer has no brother.

This is Evie Branthwaite, the only sibling of Jarrad. The professional footballer has no brother.

Early Life in Football:

The story of the beautiful game began inside the living room of Jarrad Branthwaite’s family home. Once upon a time, the youngster did an unthinkable thing with his legs.

Little Jarad was still an infant (just 18 months old) when he showed the earliest sign of his destiny.

It all started when Jarrad Branthwaite’s Dad (Paul) bought a sponge building block. This piece of toy was six inches by six inches – in both length and width.

Paul placed it in the corner of the family living room. At that time, the block was built, but not ready for kicking.

So, on a particular day, Jarad’s parents (Paul and Donna) moved the living room sofa to the middle.

By doing that, it gave more space for the sponge-building block to be visible to little Jarrad, who had begun walking at that time. The next thing he did shocked everyone.

Kicking like a Pro:

Upon sighting the building blocks, little Jarrad moved fast toward it. The next thing he did was to dropped-kick the blocks from the top.

Shockingly, little Jarrad did that with both feet. A family member who entered the house saw Jarrad do that and said this to his Dad;

Wow!… Have I just seen that…?

The little Infant did the unthinkable with his Foam Building Blocks.

The little Infant did the unthinkable with his Foam Building Blocks.

Apparently, those kicks by the 18 months old Jarrad would (in eighteen years later) mature into a Premier League ability.

Since that blessed day, a ball at the youngster’s feet became a natural extension of his body. If it is not a soccer ball, then it is definitely a rugby ball.

From kicking a sponge building block, little Jarrad grew into liking England jerseys. He once had that 2004 jersey, which was worn by the likes of Paul Scholes and David Beckham.

Although children are natural optimists, little Jarrad was the type who aspired to be a rugby star and footballer.

Can you notice the rugby ball behind him?... it is a reflection of Jarrad's passion for the sport, as well as football.

Can you notice the rugby ball behind him?… it is a reflection of Jarrad’s passion for the sport, as well as football.

Speaking about her son’s early ball shooting escapades, Jarrad Braithwaite’s Mum (Donna) once said,

 “Our garden was a wreck because Jarrad would never stop kicking a football around it all the time”

Jarrad Branthwaite Family Background:

The England footballer hails from an upper-middle-class household. Did you know?… Jarrad Branthwaite hails from a sports family. While his Mum (Donna) serves in her capacity as a homemaker, the rest of her close-knitted household lifts the family’s name in two sports.

Meet the members of Jarrad Branthwaite's Family. From left to right; Donna, Evie, Paul and Jarrad.

Meet the members of Jarrad Branthwaite’s Family. From left to right; Donna, Evie, Paul and Jarrad.

Starting with his Dad, Paul Branthwaite, he is a retired rugby player and a talented squash player.

These days, Jarrad’s Dad is more of a contractor who provides materials and labour for his flooring and pavement building services. Here is one of Paul’s jobs – in August 2018.

After retirement from Rugby, Jarrad Branthwaite's Dad became a contractor.

After retirement from Rugby, Jarrad Branthwaite’s Dad became a contractor.

Paul retired from Rugby in the early 2000s. Before that, he played for Wigton Rugby Club and England. While he was a kid, Jarrad accompanied his Dad to Wigton rugby training.

Even at that, he preferred soccer. Behold Paul Branthwaite in his good old rugby days.

This is Jarrad Branthwaite's Dad (Paul) during his rugby playing days.

This is Jarrad Branthwaite’s Dad (Paul) during his rugby playing days.

Jarrad Branthwaite Family Origin:

The 6 foot 5 Centre-Back holds British nationality because he was born in England and his parents are also from the Old Blighty. Old Blighty is a slang name for Great Britain, Britain, or England, especially when viewed from abroad.

Where is Jarred Branthwaite from?

It is common knowledge that the footballer hails from England. Regarding where Jarrad Braithwaite’s family comes from, our research points to his English hometown of Wigton.

For those who don’t know, Wigton is best described as a market town in the Allerdale borough of Cumbria, England. Situated in the North West of England, Wigton (pictured on the map gallery) is the headquarters of the British National Party.

This map explains Jarrad Branthwaite's Family Origin. Wigton, where he comes from, is in the northwest of England.

This map explains Jarrad Branthwaite’s Family Origin. Wigton, where he comes from, is in the northwest of England.

This town (in 2004) made history as the first settlement in the UK to enforce a curfew on teenagers (age 16 and under). It was a two-week curfew aimed at reducing vandalism by teens in the town centre. The curfew made national headlines and yielded positive results.

Jarrad Branthwaite Ethnicity:

The Cumbrian native is 100% White British. Jarrad Branthwaite’s ancestry are native settlers of the historic county of Cumberland. This part of North West England has more White British ethnicity, comprising 95.1% or approximately 980,000 British people.

Jarrad Branthwaite Education:

While their son was an infant, Paul and Donna made him attend Wigton Infant School. This school is located at 2nd Longthwaite Road, Wigton CA7 9JU, United Kingdom. Young Jarrad schooled there when he was between the tender ages of four to seven years.

Jarrad Branthwaite Education - He attended Wigton Infant School, Stepping Stones Nursery school, and The Nelson Thomlinson secondary School.

Jarrad Branthwaite Education – He attended Wigton Infant School, Stepping Stones Nursery school, and The Nelson Thomlinson secondary School.

After graduating from Wigton Infant School, Jarrad Branthwaite’s parents enrolled their son at Stepping Stones Nursery school in Carlisle, England. After Jarrad graduated from his primary school, he began attending The Nelson Thomlinson secondary School in Wigton.

The Role of Jarrad Branthwaite’s School Teacher:

Sally Hay, a teacher at Wigton Infants School, was his best buddy. Because of his love for football, Sally Hay once made a prophecy that Jarrad would play for England someday.

In one of Branthwaite’s school report cards, Sally Hay wrote these prophetic words;

Jarrad, remember me when you’re playing for England.

While at Nelson Thomlinson Secondary School, Jarrad formed a close bond with Steven Rudd, his PE teacher. This teacher has known him since he was aged 7.

Oftentimes, he describes Jarrad as an annoying child who was very good at football, even without training.

Thanks to Steven Rudd’s guidance, Jarrad excelled at junior sporting festivals linked to the secondary schools in his neighbourhood.

The efforts of this PE teacher made him to be good with many sports, namely; football, rugby, athletics, badminton, basketball, etc.

Football involvement while at school – Career Buildup:

Jarrad exhibited a behaviour while at Stepping Stones school at Denton Holme, Carlisle. Oftentimes, his teachers would report to his parents that their son doesn’t like staying inside the classroom. Rather, he would prefer to go outside to kick his football.

The report on the behaviour of their child wasn’t surprising to Donna and Paul – Jarrad Branthwaite’s parents. Before the teacher said that, Donna and Paul already knew their boy loved to be with the soccer ball and around ball games from the onset.

When little Jarrad attended Wigton Infant School, he always carried a football with him – before his Dad went to drop him at school. The youngster (with a deep love for the soccer ball) would kick it all the way home with both his right and cool left foot.

At the age of six, Jarrad Branthwaite’s parents decided to see if their boy would enjoy the transfer of his solo ball-kicking hobby into a junior team environment. Paul and Donna took their son to an academy (Abbeytown FC), with the mindset that he needs time to settle.

Career Buildup:

Jarrad Branthwaite’s parents took him to the academy to enrol with the team. Starting life there was hard, as he didn’t have the confidence to play with the boys. Jarrad was the type of kid who wanted to play football but was scared to mix with other kids at the academy.

Paul took his son there for a period of four weeks. Still, Jarrad didn’t get involved. In the fifth week, one of their coaches (Geoff Grainger), took little Jarrad to the side and said some motivating words to him. Had he not done that, Jarrad might not have continued.

In a game against Stanwix, the goalkeeper kicked the ball out. Jarrad got the ball on his knee and knocked it in from halfway. He was seven at that time and Grainger (his coach) confessed that he had not seen anything from a kid of that age since he began coaching.

Jarrad Branthwaite Biography – Untold Football Story:

When the youngster performed that beautiful skill with the ball, little did he know he was being scouted. The Abbeytown-based football school got a call saying Carlisle United wants to take Jarrad into their academy. Donna (Jarred Branthwaite’s Mum) was scared about it.

She had a wrong impression (out of fear) that her boy was too young for it. Because Liam Lightfoot (Jarrad’s best friend) was also called, Donna calmed down. Even as she was calm, Donna went on to ask Jarrad what he thought about going to Carlisle United. The Boy said,

If Liam is going, I will go as well.

Jarrad boldly told his Mum. Through his response, Donna realized that sometimes, things work that way. So, both boys went together and joined Carlisle United. Find here a rare photo of Jarrad and his best friend, just after he joined the Cumbrian-based academy.

At the front left is Jarrad. His best friend, Liam Lightfoot, is at the back left. The boys took a photo with Carlisle United Under-9s. The boys were just about to participate in a Harraby Catholic Football tournament at Gillford Park.

At the front left is Jarrad. His best friend, Liam Lightfoot, is at the back left. The boys took a photo with Carlisle United Under-9s. The boys were just about to participate in a Harraby Catholic Football tournament at Gillford Park.

Football progressed immediately after joining the academy. The photograph above shows members of Carlisle United’s Under-9s squad. Jarrad and his teammates (including his best friend, Liam Lightfoot) were at the Harraby Catholic Football tournament at Gillford Park.

Regarding the quality of his gameplay, Jarrad was by no means near his friend, Lightfoot. He was also behind other Crumban boys. At that time, the youngster still had aspects of his shyness to overcome. The truth is, it took a while before Jarrad became very confident.

Teenage Story:

At the beginning of his teenage years, Jarrad’s physical development made him one of the tallest boys in his age group. However, that brought a health problem. It all started when he was 12 – a time Jarrad began to feel small pains in his knees that later became severe.

The youngster's early teenage days were filled with pains and uncertainty.

The youngster’s early teenage days were filled with pains and uncertainty.

Later on, the severity of the pains escalated, and that would leave the poor boy in tears. As the pain progressed, small lumps began growing around his joints. Soon, it became more pronounced than normal – especially after Jarrad finished training on an artificial grass field.

Recognizing the issue was severe, Jarrad Branthwaite’s parents took him to a hospital. After the doctor’s diagnosis, it was revealed he was suffering from Osgood-Schlatter Disease. This disease affects some teenagers who experience a massive growth spurt.

Jarrad Branthwaite’s (Dad) once had this disease and had to go on an operation. Luckily for his son, Doctors advised him to take some rest and that everything would go away when he stopped growing. For a boy who loves football, resting was truly a difficult thing to do.

At times, Jarrad would keep training and be in extreme physical or mental suffering. But there were times poor Jarrad just had to stop. He would sometimes play for one week and then miss the next four because of pains. At some point, he stayed away for nine months.

The enforced break due to his Osgood-Schlatter disease was a trying time for Jarrad. That time, Jarrad developed lots of resilience. There are many youngsters who would have given up playing football. Maybe it crossed Jarrad’s mind, but he refused to let go of his hobby.

Jarrad Branthwaite Bio – Road to Fame Story:

After months of rehabilitation, the youngster finally returned to football. A very rusty Jarrad began to push himself back to the sport. Getting back to normal football was difficult and that brought in lots of uncertainty about his future, which at that time wasn’t looking good.

Jarrard’s football future hung uncertainly in the balance at a very wrong time. A time when Carlisle’s academy reached a stage where coach sit down and decide which of their players are worthy of a youth team contract. Also, a time when they decide who suffers rejection.

At that time, Jarrard was tall, lanky and below average. When his teammates did fitness test, he would be miles behind. There were lots of doubts about his abilities, and also questions about him not pushing himself. Jarrad Branthwaite’s family members got worried.

Darren Edmondson, Carlisle’s academy manager, tried his best to push him. That didn’t work. And while Jarrad’s peers were making the grade with Carlisle’s United’s under-18s, a poor him was placed on hold. In fact, the crush of rejection was near, as he still struggled.

After some deliberations, the academy came out to say they weren’t sure about him. Jarrad Branthwaite’s parents reacted to the news by requesting a meeting with Darren. Donna and Paul in that meeting with the academy manager asked for the way forward for their son.

The Decision and how Words from a Piece of Paper saved his Career:

Carlisle academy’s manager finally gave his verdict, that Jarrad needs to take some time off. In simple terms, he needs to go away, think about his future and then decide if he truly wants to be a professional footballer. Jarrad Branthwaite felt terrible by those words.

Coming home with his Dad’s car, the youngster coudn’t take it anymore. A helpless Jarrad was absolutely gutted. He has seen his closest friends (Taylor and Liam) getting called up to Carlisle’s United’s under-18s and himself placed on hold and on the verge of rejection.

That sad night, Paul Branthwaite (Jarrad’s Dad) thought of words of encouragement for his son. Suddenly, he remembered a number of positive things coaches used to say about Jarrad’s in his early years. Paul decided to write down those comments on a piece of paper.

After writing it, Jarrad’s Dad slipped the paper through the door of his son’s room, while he was asleep. The morning of the next day, everyone noticed Jarrad had was taking a longer time to come downstairs than usual. Finally, he came down and everyone saw a different face.

Judging by the way he looked, Paul knew his son had obviously read those words. All of a sudden, his son Jarrad said these words…

‘Did my Carlisle coaches honestly say that, dad?’

The career turning point:

Paul told his son they did, and he has kept those words away from him, probably telling him a few of it. That was the turning point for Jarrad Branthwaite, a moment that changed his life forever. Paul suggested his son should be off for a week, but Jarrad reacted;

No Dad, I’m going to do it. I will prove myself this time.

Jarrad Branthwaite took off from that point. The youngster used the sports hall at Nelson Thomlinson (his secondary school) for some hardcore training and workout. Everyone saw the newly determined boy, who was now ready to make the necessary physical sacrifice.

Having a bit of self-belief in himself made Jarad come back stronger. There were clear signs that Jarrad had risen to Carlisle United’s challenge. Jarrad excelled at what his coaches asked from him and that came with the award of getting called up at Carlisle’s Under-18.

Jarrad Branthwaite Biography – Success Story:

At the start of his Under-18 career, everyone could see the improvements. In fact, Jarrad’s stats were unbelievable for a lad of his size. Those who earlier wrote him off couldn’t find words to sum up his Eureka moment. In no time, Jarrad (16) was called to the first team.

Jarrad’s jump (quick rise) from academy football to EFL League Two was something else. To the joy of his family, the youngster made my debut in a game at Plymouth Argyle, with more than 8,000 on the ground.

Did you know?… Branthwaite holds the record of being Carlisle United’s youngest ever goalscorer. That happened when the 17 years old scored in an EFL Trophy tie against Morecambe on the 12th day of November 2018. A brave Jarrad Branthwaite glided halfway up the pitch and drilled the soccer ball into the bottom corner.

In fact, the youngster was just 17 years and 138 days old when he broke the record. By scoring at that age, Jarrad beat Rob Edwards’ record, which had stood for 29 years and 112 days. Jarrad’s family were among the crowd. As his Dad smiled, Donna, his Mum said this.

It truly brings tears to the eyes … thinking things like that could happen.

The Battle for Jarrad:

From the German Bundesliga to the English and Scottish Premiership sides, there was a lot of interest in his signature. RB Leipzig and Borussia Dortmund sent pairs of eyes to Carlisle games. At the end of the day, Everton became the club that won Jarrad’s heart.

The English club approach turned out to be the most comprehensive. They had Jared put pen to paper on a two-and-a-half-year deal for a fee of between £500,000 and £750,000. Jarrad was placed at David Unsworth’s under-23s side before joining Everton’s first team.

Everton Senior Team Rise:

Leighton Baines (the club’s Legend) succumbed to an injury and manager Carlo Ancelotti decided on a teenage substitute. Jarrad made his debut for the club on 12 July 2020. In order to have more experience, he was sent on loan to Blackburn Rovers.

Returning from his loan, Branthwaite on the 16th day of December 2021 made his first Premier League start under Rafa Benitez. There was a release of pure emotion when Jarrad Branthwaite’s equaliser gave Everton a hard-earned point.

There’s no doubt that Jarrad and the dynamic Anthony Gordon were prime examples of how young talent revitalized Everton under Benitez and Lampard. The rest of Jarrad Branthwaite’s story, as they say, is history.

Who is Jarrad Branthwaite Girlfriend?

With all he has done in his early professional football career, it is fair to say that Baby Giraffe is already seeing success. Also, we know that behind every successful Cumbrian footballer comes a glamorous WAG. To this end, we ask the ultimate question;

Who is Jarrad Branthwaite’s Girlfriend?

First thing first, the son of Paul and Donna is a handsome footballer. There is no denying the fact that Jarrad Branthwaite’s height of 6 feet 5 inches wouldn’t attract the lady he desires. Even those who would aspire to be Jarrad Branthwaite’s wife or Baby Mama.

Who is Jarrad Branthwaite Dating?

Who is Jarrad Branthwaite Dating?

Following intensive research, we realize the Centre-Back (as of 2022) doesn’t fancy the idea of revealing the identity of his girlfriend. On the other hand, it is likely that Jarrad Branthwaite is not dating anyone and is single – at the time of writing his Biography.

Personal and Private Life:

Away from Football, who is Jarrad Branthwaite?

According to his Mum (Donna), her son is very down to earth. Whenever Jarrad is with friends, he rarely talks about himself playing in the Premier League. Neither does he deliver any self-satisfaction talks or boast about the salary he receives as a professional footballer.

Also, Jarrad is someone who cares about his first football shirts. The first shirts he wore at Carlisle United and Everton are still at his family home in Wigton. Did you know?… To date, Jarrad doesn’t want his Mum (Donna) to wash his first Everton shirt.

Inspiration for children in his hometown:

Severally, Jarrad Branthwaite has spoken about his burning ambition to be an inspiration to children from his Wigton home town. He notices that a lot of them are football daft and, hopefully, they can look up to him and see that there is a pathway to the Premier League.

Because of the support for Jarrad, there are lots of kids in Wigton who now wear Everton shirts and shots rather than dressing in Carlisle kits. This is a sign of the impact Jarrad is having on these kids.

The secret to dealing with Growing Pains:

Regular doses of cod liver oil helped Jarrad deal with the effects of those growing pains he once felt. Now that he is over it, Jarrad is also now attuned to his profession’s nutritional needs. Gone are the days when Jarrad would open the fridge and eat anything he sees.

Jarrad Branthwaite’s Hobbies:

Taking his time away from his football job is also very important for the football-mad boy. Speak of his hobbies, Jarrad loves Golf and playing X-box. During Jarrad Branthwaite’s early years, he struggled to regulate his gaming hobby. Now, he knows the right time for it.

Jarrad Branthwaite Lifestyle:

At the close of the football season, the youngster loves vacationing with his family. Jarrad loves taking holidays to Cyprus with his parents and younger sister Evie. The island country is a gorgeous destination, especially during the peak summer heat (May, June).

As observed here, Family holidays are very special for the Defender.

As observed here, Family holidays are very special for the Defender.

Jarrad Branthwaite Car and House:

An annual salary of £781,200 (as of 2021) is more than capable of affording him luxuries. According to words from Donna, her son, in 2021, was in the process of buying a house. As of 2022, he spends within his means and doesn’t think of these kinds of luxuries below.

The Lifestyle of Jarrad Branthwaite - EXPLAINED.

The Lifestyle of Jarrad Branthwaite – EXPLAINED.

Jarrad Branthwaite Family Life:

As a group, they enjoy life at best and have more fun than in individual physical pursuits. This section of Jarrad Branthwaites’ Biography tells you more facts about his parents, sister and relatives. So, without further ado, let’s begin.

About Jarrad Branthwaite’s Father:

The professional life of a rugby player is relatively short. Paul Branthwaite knew that, so he made the most out of his playing days as one of England’s brightest rugby stars. Behold, the old days of Paul, (Jarrad Branthwaite Dad), – at the peak of his rugby powers.

To show how great he was, Paul Branthwaite made some great newspaper headlines during his time as a rugby player. The newspaper below has a title “Paul grabs title“. At that time, Jarrad’s Dad was a student of The Nelson Thomlinson School in Wigton, England.

Jarrad Branthwaite's Father (Paul) made Newspaper headlines during his rugby days.

Jarrad Branthwaite’s Father (Paul) made Newspaper headlines during his rugby days.

The next paper shows when Paul was drafted into the Northern Division U-21. His rugby team was ready to play in the Divisional Championships. At that time, Paul was due to take part in England U-21 rugby squad training, but a knee injury kept his training on hold.

In the next newspaper, the Rugby Union under 21 final was said to be a repeat between Wigton and Netherhall. The paper reads Paul’s Wighton team coming out on top – on the previous occasion and Netherhall was very prepared to have their chance of revenge.

The next document is a letter from the Rugby Football Union directed to Paul Branthwaite. The letter congratulates him for being selected to join the England Colts squad for the 1992/1992 season.

About Jarrad Branthwaite Mother:

Like her husband and son, Donna also went to The Nelson Thomlinson School in Wigton, England. Her parents are from Wigton and she has lived there for the most part of her life. Donna loves music and her favourite artists are members of the Bone Doctors music band.

Thanks to having a celebrity son, Donna these days can’t go to a shop in Wigton without people stopping her and saying how well her son is doing on the football pitch. In her words,

It’s a lovely feeling. But again, I will see people and think they will talk about somebody else and not Jarrad.

Suddenly, I’ll notice they talk good things about my son.

When Donna and Paul watch Jarrad on TV, their phones never stop. Sometimes, they’ll have to put them to one side. Otherwise, they’d miss the football match through replying to friends and extended family members.

It is a thing of joy for Donna and Paul. To have that surreal sight of their one-time baby boy on their television screen, excelling against the best players in the land.

Local pride, without doubt, has naturally followed, and these two lovers are truly enjoying the fruits of their labour.

Donna and Paul are super proud of what their son has become in football.

Donna and Paul are super proud of what their son has become in football.

About Jarrad Branthwaite Sister:

Like her Father (Paul), Mother (Donna) and Brother (Jarrad), Evie enrolled with The Nelson Thomlinson School. The photo below shows her first day at the secondary school – which was on the 4th day of September 2018. A truly proud moment for Jarrad’s sister, Evie.

This is Evie, on her first day with The Nelson Thomlinson School.

This is Evie, on her first day with The Nelson Thomlinson School.

Jarrad Sister is not just a secondary school student but also a pro footballer in the making. Evie Branthwaite plays for the female youth of Abbeytown FC.

As evidenced below, she recently won this trophy and honours in her blissful youth career. One of Evie’s honours is Abbeytown’s U-12 player of the year award.

Evie is following in the footsteps of her older brother. She is a professional footballer in the making.

Evie is following in the footsteps of her older brother. She is a professional footballer in the making.

About Jarrad Branthwaite Relatives:

The footballer has a cousin who is a big Everton fan. This relative of Jarrad was among the first recipients of his Everton jersey.

While researching, we found other persons who could be related (by blood) to Jarrad Branthwaite’s Mum, Donna. Do you notice a resemblance?

Donna, alongside persons whom she calls family.

Donna, alongside persons whom she calls family.

Does Jarrad Branthwaite have a Brother?

No, the Wigton native does not have a male sibling (younger or older). Jarrad Branthwaite’s Sister (Evie) is the only sibling born to his parents (Paul and Donna).

Untold Facts:

As we conclude Jarrad Branthwaite’s Bio, we’ll use this final section to tell more Facts about him. Now, without further ado, let’s begin.

Jarrad Branthwaite Salary Comparisons:

Where he comes from, the average salary in Wigton is approximately 28,000 pounds per year. Did you know?… Such a citizen would need 28 years to make Jarrad Branthwaite’s salary with Everton. Wao!… that’s more than a quarter of a lifetime.

Jarrad Branthwaite FIFA:

His greatest defensive asset lies in his power, akin to Dayot Upamecano and Virgil Van Dijk. He has a poor 2022 overall ratings which is not a reflection of his real-life attributes. The Defender’s FIFA stats has a good 83 potential ratings with his abilities found in talents like Jarell Quansah and Antonio Silva. Although, Jarrad Branthwaite’s speed isn’t so bad for his 6 foot 5 height.

According to EuroGamer, Jarrad is among the list of top FIFA potential wonder kids. He is one of the best career-mode youngsters (defenders) and is also among football’s hidden soccer gems.

Jarrad Branthwaite Tattoo:

As I write his Biography, he has zero body art. We’ve analysed Jarrad Branthwaite’s body for the existence of tattoos, with no results found.

This photo shows his back view as he takes a stroll with his Dad (Paul) and Sister (Evie). From our observation, there are no tattoos.

Jarrad Branthwaite Religion:

The Cumbrian defender was raised by Christian parents who gave him ‘Paul’ as a Christian middle name. Jarrad Branthwaite’s religion is Christianity.

Unlike Bukayo Saka and Trevoh Chalobah, he doesn’t display his religious beliefs via public domains (like Instagram).

Is Jarrad Branthwaite Left or Right Footed?

The Centre Back uses more of the Left-Foot, meaning he is a Left-Footed footballer. Jarrad joins the likes of Pau Torres, Aymeric Laporte, Presnel Kimpembe, Alessandro Bastoni, Malang Sarr, David Alaba etc, who are great left-footed Defenders.

A good left-footed Central Defender is rare in football these days. Following his April 2022 appointment, we weren’t surprised to see Ralf Rangnick‘s suggestion to United’s Boss, Erik ten Hag, about Jarrad’s transfer to the Red Devils – DailyMail report.


Jarrad was born on the 27th of June 2002 to his Mother (Donna Branthwaite), and Father (Paul Branthwaite) in Carlisle, England. He spent most of his Early Life alongside his only sibling – a sister known as Evie Branthwaite. He has his family origin from Wigton, England.

The England defender began playing football as soon as he could walk. The act of kicking a sponge building block became the earliest first sign of his destiny. Branthwaite attended Wigton Infant, Stepping Stones Nursery and Nelson Thomlinson Secondary School.

Academy football started with Abbeytown FC before further enrolment with Carlisle United. The Wigton native, while at Carlisle, suffered from Osgood-Schlatter disease, which almost brought his career to a standstill. A slow recovery from it threatened his Carlisle career.

Playing below average after his Osgood-Schlatter recovery almost got him released from Carlisle. Jarrad’s Dad (Paul Branthwaite) saved his son’s career by reminding him about some untold positive words from his coaches. Thankfully, that led to his career revival.

On the 13th day of January 2020, having enjoyed a breakthrough campaign at Carlisle, Jarrad signed a two-and-a-half-year deal with Everton.

Thanks to a string of impressive performances, Jarrad Branthwaite has achieved a meteoric rise with The Toffees.

As of 2022, he is part of a great Ruud van Nistelrooy’s PSV team. A top Dutch team which boasts of top stars like Noni Madueke, Dutch’s Xavi Simons, Liverpool’s Cody Gakpo, etc.

Appreciation Note:

Thank you for taking the time to read this version of Jarrad Branthwaite’s Biography.

As always, we strive for accuracy and fairness in our daily quest of delivering you stories of England Footballers and also that which relate to the United Kingdom.

Kindly let us know (via comments) if you notice anything that doesn’t look right in Jarrad’s Bio. And stay tuned for more Football stories from us. On a final request, please let us know what you think about Jarrad Branthwaite’s career and his amazing Life story.

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