From Restless Childhood to Football GEM: Denzel Dumfries Story

As a boy, Denzel, the son of Boris and Marleen, whose family have their roots in Aruba and Suriname, had a unique behaviour that set him apart from his siblings. It wasn’t that Denzel was troublesome; in fact, everyone, including his family and neighbours, loved him very much. His main challenge was that he couldn’t sit still for even an hour.

Denzel was always restless, constantly seeking new activities to keep himself busy. This restlessness earned him the childhood nickname “Pietje Bell,” after a character from a family adventure cartoon series. There was even a time when his father took him outside in the middle of winter to try to calm him down, but even after hours, Denzel’s energy remained unchanged. His mother, suspecting he might have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), took him for a medical test. The results showed that Denzel was perfectly normal; he was just naturally energetic. The family decided to let him be.

Fortunately, Denzel eventually channelled all this energy into football, and the rest, as they say, is history. Now, let’s delve deeper into Denzel Dumfries’ story.

From Restless Childhood to Football GEM: Denzel Dumfries Story

From Restless Childhood to Football GEM: Denzel Dumfries Story

Our Denzel Dumfries Biography tells you Facts about his Childhood Story, Early Life, Parents (Boris and Marleen), Family Background, and Siblings (Demelza, Daniëlle, and Donovan).

More so, we’ll tell you facts about Dumfries Wife (Jaimy Kenswiel), Uncles, Cousins (Jahfarr Wilnis and Jason Wilnis), Lifestyle, Personal Life, etc.

In a nutshell, we’ll breakdown the Full History of a dogged Right-Back and an indomitable lion who has grown so large to become a force to reckon with – in European football. His Football story begins from his boyhood days to when he became a global superstar.

To whet your autobiography appetite on the nature of Denzel Dumfries’ Biography, we’ve gone ahead to portray his Early Life and Rise gallery. Behold a summary of his Life Journey.

Denzel Dumfries Biography - Behold his Early Life and Success Story.

Denzel Dumfries Biography – Behold his Early Life and Success Story.

Yes, everyone knows he, alongside superstars like; Memphis Depay, the Speedy Donyell Malen, and Georginio Wijnaldum were among the standout performers at the Euro 2020 group stages. For this reason, top European clubs admired him and rushed for his signature.

Despite the accolade, we did notice – that only a few have read the complete version of Denzel Dumfries’ Biography. We have accepted this clarion call to present his Life Story. Now, without wasting much of your time, let’s begin.

Denzel Dumfries Childhood Story:

To begin his biography, he is commonly known by the nickname “Denz,” and he bears the names; Denzel Justus Morris Dumfries. This Dutch footballer was born on April 18, 1996, in Rotterdam, Netherlands, to his parents, Marleen and Boris Dumfries.

Denzel came to the world as the first son and second child of the Dumfries family. He is one among four children, namely; Demelza, himself, Daniëlle, and Donovan – born of the union between his parents, who are pictured here.

Denzel Dumfries Parents - His Dad (Boris Dumfries) and Mum (Marleen Dumfries).

Denzel Dumfries Parents – His Dad (Boris Dumfries) and Mum (Marleen Dumfries).

Growing-Up Years:

For Denzel, childhood days were the most important moment in his life – as it did help to shape his thinking and future. He spent most of it at Rhoon, a village located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Denzel holds happy memories of growing up alongside his younger sister (Daniëlle), older sister (Demelza), and little brother (Donovan) – who is the last born of the Dumfries family.

As Dad and Mum, there is nothing more incredible than preserving your children’s photo portraits. And then unveiling it to the world at the time they have made it in life. Many years ago, Denzel Dumfries’ parents ensured they made time for family pictures.

A lovely childhood photo of Denzel Dumfries (far left) and his siblings - Daniëlle (mid-left), and Demelza (mid-right). Why is Donovan (far right) NOT smiling for the cameras?

A lovely childhood photo of Denzel Dumfries (far left) and his siblings – Daniëlle (mid-left), and Demelza (mid-right). Why is Donovan (far right) NOT smiling for the cameras?

The Staunch Childhood Personality:

As a boy, Denzel had this weird behaviour, one that made him very different from his siblings.

Not that he was nasty; everyone (including his family members and neighbours) loved him. The truth is, Denzel just had trouble sitting in one position for an hour.

The Dutch youngster was the restless type who always came up with new things, says his sister, Demelza. Owing to his restlessness, he gave Denzel the childhood nickname – Pietje Bell (after a family adventure cartoon series).

There was no difference between Denzel and this boy - during his childhood days.

There was no difference between Denzel and this boy – during his childhood days.

NOTE: “Pietje Bell” is a series of children’s novels about a mischievous little boy who constantly finds himself in trouble, similar to the character of Denzel Dumfries.

Denzel Dumfries’ older sister, Demelza, gave him the nickname came after Denzel deflated the tires of her bicycle.

Back then, when he raced back to the family home every evening (from school), he was always with the ball at his foot – his father Boris said.

Making Denzel stay at home was like a punishment. This is because he was never still and always willing to go outside.

There was a day his Dad carried him outside their house – in the middle of the winter so as to make him cool off. Boris shut the doors for hours, but nothing changed. In fact, it was a failed experiment.

Taking him to a Doctor:

Due to his unconventional and peculiar behavior, Denzel Dumfries’ parents decided to take him to a nearby hospital.

It was Marleen Dumfries (Denzel’s mum) who initiated the idea because she was more worried that her son might be suffering from something strange.

While at the hospital, the Doctor listened to Marleen’s story about her son’s behaviour for nearly ten minutes.

In her own personal research, Denzel’s mum was of the view that her son was suffering from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

After a whole hour, Denz and his Mum came out of the Doctor’s office and then to the waiting room to take the result of a test. After reading the content of the paper, both mother and son looked each other in the eyes.

Immediately, a short silence followed between mother and son. After looking at each other for about seven seconds, both had to burst out – laughing so hard. That test result, which Demelza later tore, reads;

This is just Denzel. He is just the way he is.

From that day forward, Marleen and the rest of the family accepted him as he was, hoping that he would change as he grew older.

Denzel Dumfries Family Background:

Mr. Boris and his wife, Marleen, are busy parents. Boris, the head of the family, previously served as a manager and now holds a position on the supervisory board of a Dutch healthcare institution. Denzel Dumfries’ mother, Marleen, works in a similar field to her husband.

Denzel Dumfries comes from a comfortable middle-class family.

Denzel Dumfries comes from a comfortable middle-class family.

Both of Denzel Dumfries’ parents operated a middle-class family. Also, they were once the busy type who made very good use of their time – while at home with the kids.

Back then, the demanding nature of their jobs made it difficult to often stay at home.

Also to note, Boris and Marleen did not raise Denzel and his siblings in the typically Dutch way. They were brought up to be open to accepting their cultures and learning more about their ethnicity and ancestry.

Denzel Dumfries Family Origin:

By hearing his surname and observing his completion, you might begin to wonder and ask questions about the country of his forefathers.

First things first, Denzel Dumfries’ grandparents ARE NOT from Scotland (Scott McTominay‘s home country) – even though his surname ‘Dumfries‘ happens to be the name of a town in the country (Scottland).

The truth is, the Dutch footballer has three countries tied to his origin. One of Denzel Dumfries’s parents (his Dad) is from Aruba (similar to Jurrien Timber’s Mum).

Research indicates that this country, shown below, is an island situated in the mid-south of the Caribbean Sea. Meanwhile, Denzel Dumfries’ mother, Marleen, hails from Paramaribo, the capital city of Suriname.

This is a small country located on the northeastern coast of South America. From our findings, both of his parents’ home nations use Dutch as their national language.

This map explains Denzel Dumfries's family origin.

This map explains Denzel Dumfries’s family origin.

From his Denzel Dumfries mother’s side, he shares a similar origin with the likes of Ki-Jana Hoever, Edgar Davies, Virgil van Dijk, Calvin Stengs, Clearance Seedort, Steven Bergwijn and Patrick Kluivert (father to Justin Kluivert).

A visit to Paternal Origin (Aruba):

Precisely in 2006, Denzel Dumfries Family decided to relocate from the Netherlands to Aruba.

His Dad, Boris, was the first to leave – to arrange things for their coming. Here is a photo of Denzel Dumfries Mum and his little brother, Donovan, during their stay in Aruba.

As a child, Denzel got a feel of his roots. Here is his Mum (Marleen) during the family's visit to Aruba.

As a child, Denzel got a feel of his roots. Here is his Mum (Marleen) during the family’s visit to Aruba.

After a year, Denzel Dumfries’ family decided to return back to their home in Rhoon, the Netherlands. He is very happy about his parent’s decision to return to his birth country. It was for one reason – no other than FOOTBALL.

Denzel Dumfries Education:

The Dutch footballer continued to be unmanageable – even at school. Denzel did all things ranging from disturbing during classes to gallivanting with friends at his schoolyard.

Little Denz, during his schooling days.

Little Denz, during his schooling days.

Back then, Denzel Dumfries’ Mum would have to report to his school almost every week just to confirm that he is still intact. Sometimes, Marleen would visit because Denz had been sent out of class.

The Mockery:

The youngster was dedicated to football but could not improve his skills.

More so, Denzel wasn’t good enough in his early footballing days (similar to Wout Weghorst). He had difficulties passing trials for top football academies.

One day – while in school, his teacher asked everyone to explain how they envision the future. Among all the kids, Denzel was the only one who said he would like to become a professional footballer. As soon as he said that, the whole class laughed out loud.

Sean Verburg (pictured below) was one of the boys who laughed at him. Because he played soccer with Denzel, Sean (now all grown up) went on to expose Denzel, saying;

you’re not that great at all. I have watched you on the pitch severally.

You have no technical skills for football.

The words spoken to him by Sean Verburg and the other of his classmates pierced his heart deeply, causing immense pain. From that moment on, Denzel vowed to prove them wrong.

Denzel Dumfries Biography – Football Story:

Like a wounded lion, he began to lose all his energy in the game. With more football and higher energy, Denz found peace of mind.

Poor Denzel decided to give his everything into football after his friends laughed at him.

Poor Denzel decided to give his everything into football after his friends laughed at him.

To achieve success, Denzel decided to develop his mentality, believing it would compensate for his poor playing skills.

The Rotterdam native began his academy soccer journey after he successfully enrolled with Spartaan ’20, a local football club – close to his family home.

Denz began playing football with Spartaan '20.

Denz began playing football with Spartaan ’20.

Progressing from there, he moved on to Smitshoek’s youth which is 21 min or 11.6 km to Rotterdam. Early on, Denzel would get assisted by his parents to the academy. He utilized his bicycle as he grew older.

Denz spent most of his childhood years with VV Smitshoek.

Denz spent most of his childhood years with VV Smitshoek.

At VV Smitshoek, they existed other footballers who were of very good quality. Among all of them, Denzel was the least skilful. In fact, he was the type who people felt would not go far – up to the national team.

Denzel Dumfries Biography – Road to Fame Story:

Rick Thape was the man who helped shape him. The coach recognized that Denzel had got a big mentality to make it. Thou, he wasn’t good in terms of his skills. He helped Denzel develop – both as a better footballer and as a person.

This is Rick Thape. The coach helped Denzel become a better footballer.

This is Rick Thape. The coach helped Denzel become a better footballer.

Finally, Denzel Dumfries went from being a busy boy to becoming very calm and focused. In the words of his sister Demelza;

Until that time, Denz was searching for his identity and what he really likes.

While at VV Smitshoek, he decided he was going full into football. My brother finally found peace within himself.

Developing a Never Give Up Mentality:

Whether there was torrential rain, a gust of wind or the freezing cold, Denzel would cycle to his club. First to Smitshoek, later to BVV Barendrecht, a bigger academy that he joined in the year 2013.

Speaking about his mentality, Denzel Dumfries’ parents got this to say. Starting with his Dad, Boris;

While on holiday in Italy, he ensured the whole family returned on time, all because he wanted to play football at Barendrecht.

Denzel Dumfries Mum, Marleen then followed;

I told him There will certainly be more Barendrecht boys enjoying holiday. Denzel never cared about it. He wanted to go back to training.

Denzel Dumfries’ family finally got home at night, and two hours later, the restless Denz got up from bed and went straight to his bicycle. He was ready to begin pedalling to his club even before daybreak.

Even with BVV Barendrecht, no one had the idea that Dumfries would grow into a Dutch international.

Gradually, his mentality began making everyone change their mind. This was evident as Denzel once played with a broken toe. In fact, he did that with a big smile on his face.

According to Van Drunen, his coach – on Dumfries Lifestyle;

When we ate chips and fries with the players, he was eating something healthy.

When those guys later went for parties, Denzel would stay back.

That boy has such a drive, He is unbelievable.

Life at parta Rotterdam:

As Feyenoord is from Rotterdam (where his family resides), you would expect Denzel Dumfries to end up in their youth or senior squad. However, that wasn’t the case.

In case you aren’t aware, most football talents (from Rotterdam) that are not being picked up by Feyenoord are normally scouted by Sparta Rotterdam. The club acquired him in 2014, just after his football academy graduation.

This is Denzel Dumfries (now a man) together with his family as they celebrate the signing of his first professional contract with Sparta Rotterdam.

Meet Denzel Dumfries' family as they celebrate with him on the signing of his first professional contract.

Meet Denzel Dumfries’ family as they celebrate with him on the signing of his first professional contract.

Denzel Dumfries Bio – Success Story:

The future Dutch international witnessed a bright start to life in his new home. Becoming the brightest light at the club, Denzel helped Sparta Rotterdam to win the Eerste Divisie trophy. This award is intended for the best team in the second tier of Dutch football.

For being the best talent in that division, Dumfries got the Golden Bull award for being the best player in the Dutch second league.

Denzel Dumfries Golden Bull award. The first of his many to come.

Denzel Dumfries Golden Bull award. The first of his many to come.

The first of such awards came in 2009 when SSC Napoli Legend Dries Mertens won it – at the time, he played with AGOVV Apeldoorn. Quincy Promes also won the same award in 2013.

After the win, the rising star felt it was time to make the biggest decision of his life. For the first time, he left his parent’s house after accepting a transfer request to SC Heerenveen, a top-division club located far away from home.

Denzel Dumfries left his friends and siblings (for the first time) and travelled a 2-hour (189.9 km) journey from Rotterdam to Heerenveen, a town in the Netherlands.

Life at Heerenveen:

While there, the Speedy Right back experienced an impressive start and a rapid turnaround in his career.

In fact, Denzel got national recognition for his Cristiano Ronaldo-like jump power. Scoring big goals plus other defensive attributes made him win the League Player of the Year award.

Within two seasons, Dumfries developed from a decent amateur player into the most talented man on the Dutch national team.

To the joy of his family, he got his first Oranje call-up by Ronald Koeman around October 2018.

That same year, his performance and qualities were noticed by PSV. Around June 2018, Dumfries signed a five-year contract for PSV Eindhoven.

In a short space of time, his performance and qualities skyrocketed as he even rose to become the club’s captain. Dumfries was part of a successful PSV side with great youngsters like Cody Gakpo.

Becoming a defensive goalscorer, a leader and a captain. This is what made Dumfries the Dutch national team's first choice for his role.

Becoming a defensive goalscorer, a leader and a captain. This is what made Dumfries the Dutch national team’s first choice for his role.

Euro 2020 Rise:

As a key player in the national team, Dumfries became the first right-back choice for the competition.

In the tournament, many attacks started and ended with him. Among the video highlights of the indomitable lion, we found this to be our favourite.

The Dutch superstar, alongside notable EURO 2020 performers from other countries – the likes of Manuel Locatelli and Patrik Schick did alert football scouts thanks to their man/star of the match performances.

Certainly, as football fans, we stand on the brink of witnessing another right-back emerge to rival the likes of Achraf Hakimi, Liverpool’s Trent Alexander-Arnold, and Manchester City’s Kyle Walker.

Dumfries is indeed the best among Dutch’s right-back stars. He is just one among the endless production line of footballers coming out of Oranje Holland -. The rest, as we say of his Biography, is now history.

Denzel Dumfries’ Girlfriend – Jaimy Kenswiel:

At the time of creating his life story, the Dutch footballer doesn’t seem to be married. However, there exists a beautiful woman in his life.

Jaimy Kenswiel is Denzel Dumfries’ girlfriend and wife-to-be. She, also a Dutch citizen of Rotterdam – is a lady with endowments and enamoured beauty.

This is Jaimy Kenswiel. Denzel Dumfries Girlfriend and Wife to be.

This is Jaimy Kenswiel. Denzel Dumfries Girlfriend and Wife to be.

In terms of what she does for a living, Jaimy is a party planner and stylist. We are not surprised by her beautiful hair. Research has it that she is the founder and CEO of the webshop Four Thousand 4000, where women’s and men’s clothing are sold.

Denzel and Jaimy have been acquainted since 2015, and the two lovebirds have been together since he commenced his professional career with Sparta Rotterdam. Since then, their bond has only deepened.

She is likely to be his future wife:

Jaimy Kenswiel is already accepted and has a close relationship with members of Denzel Dumfries’ family. Below is a price of photo evidence. Jaimy is seen here having a nice time with Demelza and Daniëlle – sisters of Denzel Dumfries.

Jaimy Kenswiel (middle), Demelza Dumfries (left) and Daniëlle Dumfries (right) enjoying one of Denzel's matches.

Jaimy Kenswiel (middle), Demelza Dumfries (left) and Daniëlle Dumfries (right) enjoying one of Denzel’s matches.

Thou not yet married, both lovers once decided to have a baby, who came into their lives in 2020. Denzel and his wife occasionally share pictures, with both of them looking perfectly at ease and enjoying their lives at the seaside.

Jaimy Kenswiel has indeed changed Denzel's life. Mr Busy now finds time for enjoyment.

Jaimy Kenswiel has indeed changed Denzel’s life. Mr Busy now finds time for enjoyment.

Personal Life:

This section of our Bio unveils more truths you might not know about the Arubian Dutch. First, we found out – that even at present, Denz still has the old him in himself. If there is one word to describe him, then it is… BUSY – says his mum (Marleen).

More importantly, Denzel loves his family and has a very protective personality. As a child and even to date, the Arubian Dutch always wanted to be the man of the house – says his Dad (Boris).

There is a specific strength to Dumfries and his "king of the jungle" status.

There is a specific strength to Dumfries and his “king of the jungle” status.

Once upon a time, as a child, when both of his parents were away, Denzel would tell his siblings;

Hey guys, Dad and Mum are away, so, now I’m the oldest. I’m the boss of the house.

The Dutch footballers would say this despite knowing Demelza (his sister) is older than him. Back then, the four children would receive instruction from their parents – that when the doorbell rings, nobody is permitted to open the door.

Denzel is the type who strictly adheres to that. However, he would get so angry if any of his siblings opened the door. This happens even when his older sister’s friend comes to visit.

Put simply, the Dutch footballer is very fond of rules. Within himself, he feels he must always take responsibility for everyone.

When Denzel’s older sister’s daughter, Neal, was born, he suddenly became very concerned, as relayed by his parents. In his own words:

Listen, everybody, I am now an uncle. I have to take my new responsibility. I will take Neal with me for a day, nurse and feed her.

Denzel Dumfries Lifestyle:

Judging from his personality, Denzel is a man with an anti-flash attitude, one who ignores the luxury lifestyle. He has little dress sense, and unlike Neymar, he is yet to become a fan of supercars.

Judging from the photo below, it seems that the versatile defender prefers to stick with Mercedes Benz because the car is tailored to offer the comfort he desires.

Denzel Dumfries Family Life:

Since his Euro 2020 goal that produced a euphoric victory of the Dutch national team, the footballer’s household has witnessed a surge in popularity. In this section, we will tell you more about his family members and relatives. Let us start with Boris.

About Denzel Dumfries Father:

Boris is a man who leads by example. Like many other Dutch working-class citizens, the hardworking Dad have toiled night and day to keep his family going.

The Aruban native is now a Board member in a Dutch social care organization. In fact, Boris has been working in the Netherlands’ social domain for years. This is a photo of Denzel Dumfries’ Dad in 2008 (while at work) and when he was much younger.

Young Boris Dumfries.

Young Boris Dumfries.

The father of four is a man who sees the future and knows how to motivate his children to prepare for it. During Denzel’s 20th birthday, Boris and his wife (Marleen) decided to do the extraordinary.

Rather than buying him some trendy sports shoes, they bought a Sculpture gift simply for motivation. The essence is to make Denzel understand – that he still has a long way to go.

Boris is a special Dad with a unique leadership style. Here is the sculpture he and Marleen bought for Denz on his 20th birthday.

Boris is a special Dad with a unique leadership style. Here is the sculpture he and Marleen bought for Denz on his 20th birthday.

Put simply, this birthday gift was to prevent him from thinking he was already there at age 20. It explains the fact that Denzel was only halfway down the stairs of success. In the words of Boris;

You have to take steps to get anywhere and a goal without a plan is just a wish.

The statue gift has been granted a prominent position in Denzel’s bedroom, where he reflects on it almost daily.

Now, fast-forward five years later (at age 25), during the Euro 2020. Undoubtedly, it is clear that the manifestation of his 20th birthday gift has come to fruition.

About Denzel Dumfries Mother:

Denzel Dumfries Mum - Marleen, still looks young and very beautiful. Please remember she is already a grandmum.

Denzel Dumfries Mum – Marleen, still looks young and very beautiful. Please remember she is already a grandmum.

Marleen is in her early 50s (as of 2021), and she is two years younger than her husband, Boris. She is appreciated for remaining positive and optimistic in spite of the difficulties faced in managing her son’s eccentric childhood behaviours.

Naturally, the relationship between mothers and first sons are close. So, according to Marleen;

I am Denzel’s confidant. He really tells me everything. I feel a very close friendship between us.

Owing to her successful career in social care and the popularity of her son, the mother of four is one of the most celebrated Dutch women of Suriname origin.

About Denzel Dumfries Uncle – John Dumfries:

He is the elder brother of Borris, the footballers’ Dad. Surprisingly, Denzel Dumfries’ Uncle has been a fanatical supporter of PSV since the year 1970. Born in Suriname, John came to the Netherlands from Aruba in 1966.

In case you didn’t know, Denzel’s PSV-fanatic uncle was the reason why he rejected other clubs and then accepted to play for the Red and Whites in 2018.

With so much joy, John Dumfries (on the day his cousin signed for PSV) did what he is good at.

John Dumfries became the first family member to arrive at the Philips Stadium to witness the occasion. The PSV season ticket holder was there even before most fans and staff of the club. It was, indeed, a blessed Tuesday for the big uncle.

Meet Denzel Dumfries Uncle - John Dumfries. He is a die-hard PSV fan.

Meet Denzel Dumfries Uncle – John Dumfries. He is a die-hard PSV fan.

About Denzel Dumfries Cousins:

The Dutch footballer is not the only person in his family that have excelled in sports. According to research, his cousins, namely; ​​Jahfarr Wilnis and Jason Wilnis, also have fighting hearts.

Pictured below, both brothers are into kickboxing. More importantly, Jahfarr Wilnis (left) and Jason Wilnis (right) have been crowned both heavyweight and middleweight champions.

Meet Denzel Dumfries' cousins - Jahfarr Wilnis (far left) and Jason Wilnis (far right).

Meet Denzel Dumfries’ cousins – Jahfarr Wilnis (far left) and Jason Wilnis (far right).

The eldest of the Wilnis, Jahfarr, is a beast of a guy. He stands tall at 1.95 meters or 6 feet 5 inches and weighs 119 kilos. Here is a video of the Dutch Surinamese kickboxer in action – where he won the fight.

As of 1st of August 2020, the other of Denzel Dumfries’ cousin – Jason Wilnis, holds the rank of #10 middleweight in the world – according to Combat Press.

About Denzel Dumfries Brother – Donovan:

Denzel Dumfries and Donovan, his little brother.

Denzel Dumfries and Donovan, his little brother.

He is the last born of the family, otherwise known as the baby of the house. Donovan is an upcoming professional footballer who follows in the footsteps of his Big brother Denzel. Both brothers are the only two members of his immediate household who are into sports.

About Denzel Dumfries Sister – Demelza Dumfries:

This is Demelza Dumfries, the elder sister of Denzel Dumfries.

This is Demelza Dumfries, the elder sister of Denzel Dumfries.

She is two years older than Denzel. Also, Demelza is the first child and daughter born to Boris and Marleen.

Denzel’s big sister is a graduate of Psychology from Leiden University, South Holland. She is a person who believes that nothing is real except for her love for family.

Demelza Dumfries and her husband, Daiman Croïn - enjoying some timeout.

Demelza Dumfries and her husband, Daiman Croïn – enjoying some timeout.

Speaking of love, Demelza now bears the name Demelza Croïn-Dumfries. She is happily married to her husband, Daiman Croïn, and both of them have a daughter, Neal.

About Denzel Dumfries Sister – Danielle:

Meet Danielle Dumfries - Denzel's immediate younger sister.

Meet Danielle Dumfries – Denzel’s immediate younger sister.

She is the third child and second daughter born of the union between her parents – Boris and Marleen. Danielle is three years younger than her brother, Denzel. More importantly, she is the most beautiful of his siblings.

About Denzel Dumfries Relatives:

Far away in his father’s homeland (Aruba), there is an extended family member known as Joseph Dumfries. He is a singer, one who has made a name for himself. Joseph Dumfries went to o Mon plaisir College and lives in Oranjestad, Aruba.

Meet Denzel Dumfries uncle - Joseph Dumfries. He is a popular artist in Aruba.

Meet Denzel Dumfries uncle – Joseph Dumfries. He is a popular artist in Aruba.

The next on our uncles’ list is Samuel Dumfries – who is related to Denzel’s Dad (Boris). Big Sam, who is seen here, is a reserved and private person.

Samuel Dumfries is one of Denzel's relatives.

Samuel Dumfries is one of Denzel’s relatives.

Denzel Dumfries Untold Facts:

Having journeyed through his life story, we’ll use the concluding section to unveil more truths about Dutch internationals. Without much ado, let’s begin.

Honouring his Father’s Land:

In case you are not aware, Denzel Dumfries once played for Aruba, the country of his Dad. The Dutch native decided to accept their invitation because it was not an official international match. This shows how much he is connected to his origin.

FIFA Profile:

Judging by his attributes, we can say that Dumfries has the attributes of Kieran Trippier and Joao Cancelo. Perhaps, he is an upgraded version of Serge Aurier. His 2021 FIFA profile tells two facts. First, he is among the greatest footballers in the world, with the highest jump power and stamina.

Dumfries Profile shows his biggest attributes - Jumping, Stamina and Strength.

Dumfries Profile shows his biggest attributes – Jumping, Stamina and Strength.

Denzel Dumfries Religion:

Research has it that Denzel Dumfries is a Christian. Unlike names like Carlos Baca, Big Man – Yerry Mina and Keylor Navas, the Rotterdam native is not big in the area of publicly displaying his faith.


The Biography of Denzel Dumfries makes us believe in the fact that nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. More so, determination, consistency and NOT talent can produce success for an athlete.

Back then as a child, Denzel had a small notebook in which he described for himself how he wanted his football career to develop. In that book, he wrote the steps he would take, the things he did wrong and how he planned to improve in order to reach his goals.

One of those goals Denz wrote on that notebook was a master plan he would take in order to reach the Dutch national team.

Honestly, Dumfries is brimming with ambition, which he pairs with unwavering determination and consistency. This combination makes his on-field presence formidable. Even now, Denz continues to jot down his aspirations in that notebook, envisioning his future.

Undoubtedly, Dutch legends like Dennis Bergkamp and Robin van Persie would take pride in seeing that the national team, which they once led, is now in capable hands.

We extend gratitude to Denzel Dumfries’ parents, siblings, and extended family members for their unwavering support and guidance. The patience exhibited by his father, Boris, and mother, Marleen, especially during his childhood, has contributed significantly to his transformation, growth, and maturity.

Appreciation Note:

As a valued visitor, we extend our gratitude for taking the time to read and absorb our biography on Dumfries. We prioritize accuracy in delivering stories about Dutch footballers.

We have a collection of fascinating football stories that you’re sure to enjoy. Have you explored the life histories of Malo Gusto and Xavi Simons? And let’s not overlook the elegant Dutch defender, Micky van de Ven.

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