About Kevin De Bruyne: Early Life, Global Roots, and Football Stardom

Nickname: “Ginger Pele,” Kevin De Bruyne, the son of Herwig and Anna De Bruyne, has been a football celebrity since his early childhood. While everyone knows he is Belgian, not many football fans are aware that KDB spent the earliest part of his childhood visiting Ealing in England, where his mother’s family lived. He was also accustomed to visiting Africa, where his mother, Anna De Bruyne, spent her early years. Kevin enjoyed many exciting holidays in Burundi and the Ivory Coast, where his family’s oil company had branches.

From a footballing perspective, two key points stand out in this article. First, Kevin De Bruyne has been a soccer celebrity since his childhood. Second, stepping away from football, is his personal issue with Belgian teammate Thibaut Courtois, where they had a serious misunderstanding over sharing the same girlfriend. Now, let’s dive into KDB’s story properly.

About Kevin De Bruyne: Early Life, Global Roots, and Football Stardom

About Kevin De Bruyne: Early Life, Global Roots, and Football Stardom

Our account of Kevin De Bruyne’s childhood and untold biography offers a detailed look at the significant events in his life, from his early years to his current status.

This analysis of the Manchester City football legend covers his history, life story before fame, family life, and numerous lesser-known facts about him, both on and off the pitch.

While everyone recognizes him as one of the best modern-day playmakers, not many soccer fans have delved into Kevin De Bruyne’s biography. It’s a fascinating read, so without further ado, let’s begin.

Kevin De Bruyne Childhood Story – Early Life and Family Background:

This was Kevin De Bruyne as a adorable Kid.

This was Kevin De Bruyne as a adorable Kid.

For Biography starters, Kevin De Bruyne was born on the 28th of June 1991 to Anna De Bruyne (Kevin’s mother) and Herwig De Bruyne (Kevin’s father).

KDB was born a White Caucasian which forms a minority of Belgium’s white ethnicity. Early on, everyone saw De Bruyne as a gifted and special child, one destined to be great in life.

Not many soccer fans know that Kevin spent the earliest part of his childhood visiting Ealing, in England, where his mum’s family resided. Kevin De Bruyn’s family were also used to visiting Africa, where his mum (Anna De Bruyne) spent her early years.

Most holidays were experienced in Burundi and Ivory Coast, where his family’s oil company branches were situated. De Bruyne’s grandfather (from his mother’s side) is a big oil investor in Africa.

Kevin De Bruyne Biography – Rise to Fame Story:

Little Kevin started playing football in Drongen, Belgium, at an early age of 4 in his town, Gent, where he lived with his parents. He had a good start to the game.

The Belgian international’s rise has been meteoric since his early start. It came from two major attributes the First is hard work, and the second is determination.

Kevin De Bruyne’s first taste of stardom came from his exemplary dedication to reaching great heights.

His hard work at his youth club brought lots of success, which, in turn, led to media attention. He was seen as the future of Belgian football.

Since his early days, Kevin has been seen as the future of Belgian football.

Since his early days, Kevin has been seen as the future of Belgian football.

During this period, Belgium was tired of its old stock of players due to their increasing unpopularity. They never did well in football.

The country needed a football revolution from the grassroots. Kevin was pointed as a kid who could spearhead such.

Wonder-kid Kevin saw himself facing the media at all times. He would face several interview sessions both before and after his matches.

His meteoric rise was also followed by interest from scouts in the Belgian youth football system.

Every youth club wanted him. Kevin progressed fast and became one of the country’s favourite youth footballers.

Kevin's rapid ascent attracted Belgian youth football scouts. He quickly became a sought-after talent, emerging as one of the nation's top young footballers.

Kevin’s rapid ascent attracted Belgian youth football scouts. He quickly became a sought-after talent, emerging as one of the nation’s top young footballers.

Early Football years:

At 14, he left behind his home life in the village of Drongen outside Ghent. There, he joined Genk’s academy and only saw his family at weekends.

This was the period he learned how to stay independent. While there, he made friends with a family who cared for him. At the age of 14, Kevin could manage himself.

He wasn’t paid much but managed what he had. According to Kevin,

“Managing myself is something my parents taught me. I’m not someone who spends a lot of money. I save it for later when I want to do something special, like going on vacations, since we don’t get much time off. During the season, I’m at home, cooking myself good food. I’m happy. I’ve lived on my own since I was 14.”

Leaving home to pursue his professional career, his dreams paid off. However, he was too young when he made the decision. For Kevin, it has indeed come a long way in a short time. His grandmother really felt for him. She visited him often.

Kevin De Bruyne Family Life:

This section of the Man City Legend’s Biography tells you Facts about members of his household. Now, let’s start with the head of the Kevin De Bruyne Family.

About Kevin De Bruyne’s Father:

Kevin De Bruyne’s dad, Herwig De Bruyne, manages his son’s career.

Managing his son’s off-pitch affairs in a perfect way has made both parties fabulously wealthy.

Herwig De Bruyne Snr is a businessman and intensive negotiator who has successfully crafted the master plan for his son’s career.

This has gotten a ripple effect on his son, thus making him earn higher salaries and has also resulted in an increase in sponsorship deals.

Herwig is also on full alert to criticize anyone who attacks his sons as far as his football career is concerned.

He once fired warning shots at Jose Mourinho for his insensitive criticism aimed at his son. [FULL DETAILS OF JOSE MOURINHO’S COMMENT ARE DISCUSSED FAR BELOW]

About Kevin De Bruyne’s Mother:

His mother, though originally from the United Kingdom, was born in Burundi, East Africa, where one of her family’s oil firms is located. This means that her son’s heritage can also be traced back to Africa.

Anna De Bruyne gave birth to her footballer son at the age of 18. This explains why she still looks very young. Anna De Bruyne is a professional in Petroleum Engineering.

She took after her father and maintained his companies in both Burundi (East Africa) and Ivory Coast (West Africa).

Anna De Bruyne spent most of her growing up years in the East African landlocked country before travelling to Belgium, where she met and fell in love with Kevin’s father, Herwig De Bruyne Snr.

Thou Anna De Bruyne’s parents live in the London Borough of Ealing. This was where Kevin took up the Christmas holidays with his mum, as noted earlier.

As regards supporting her son, Anna De Bruyne also spends most of her time visiting stadiums to watch and support her son playing his football.

Kevin hardly goes to the dressing room directly after matches. He most times finds time to be with his mum. Ideally, she gives him warm kisses after each football match.

About Kevin De Bruyne’s Sister:

He also has a sibling whose name is Stefanie De Bruyne. She resembles her mother while her brother- their dad.

Kevin De Bruyne Love Life:

KDB is currently married to Michele Lacroix at the time of writing. Without doubt, she is extremely beautiful. She is a paragon of beauty and Excellence. Kevin loves her for many reasons.

Both parties met after his relationship issues with his ex-girlfriend. They also met after his best friend (Thibaut Courtois) betrayed him by sleeping with his ex [Full Details below].

Moving on:

Kevin has been a very happy man since his relationship with Michele started. She has been his better half. Michele is someone who has made him be the man he’s always dreamt of being.

She was one of the reasons he left Chelsea for Wolfsburg. Michele Lacroix was the lady who mended Kevin’s broken heart and healed his emotional trauma, which haunted him for a long time.

He is never shy to display his love for her publicly, especially in front of the crowd.

Kevin’s mother fully supports his relationship with her. Both are good friends and have been spotted watching and supporting their son and boyfriend.

Their friendship was one of the reasons Kevin went on to initiate a marriage plan with Michelle. Kevin has always wanted a wife who would be close to his mum.

In 2016, She posted the news of her engagement to Kevin De Bruyne on her Instagram. Kevin got married to Michèle Lacroix in 2017.

Before his marriage, the Manchester City Star was struggling for form at his club. He was pretty upset about his performance.

Kevin’s marriage to Michele was something that brought back a smile to his face, leading to a quick return of form. Following his marriage, the Belgian international whisked his partner away for a romantic break in Paris.

Before their marriage, they were blessed with a son, whom they named Mason Milian De Bruyne.

Kevin loves to enjoy one-on-one picnicking sessions with his son. They love going shirtless.

Asides from the father-son bonding, all parties have also been spotted having happy times.

Kevin De Bruyne Biography Facts – Feud with Thibaut Courtois:

De Bruyne was once in love with Caroline Lijnen. They had dated for three years before their relationship was brought down by Thibaut Courtois, who was once regarded as a trusted friend of Kevin. Sleeping with his girlfriend ignited the beginning of their feud.

Kevin De Bruyne’s ex-girlfriend, Caroline Lijnen, revealed that she cheated on him with his best friend, Thibaut Courtois, after Kevin had an affair with her former best friend.

The Feud between Kevin De Bruyne and Thibaut Courtois.

The Feud between Kevin De Bruyne and Thibaut Courtois.

Rumours about a love triangle between Lijnen and Kevin first began in April 2013, but she has now spoken out.

Lijnen confirmed that she was intimate with Courtois, whom she met in Madrid after De Bruyne admitted that he cheated on her with her former best friend.

She also admitted Courtois gave her the best emotional treatment ever, the type she couldn’t get from de Bruyne.

In her words to Kevin… “Thibaut Courtois gave me in a night what you couldn’t in 3 years” 

She claimed Kevin cheated on her first, and she paid back. She also claimed his parents were aware of his cheats but couldn’t do or say anything. Instead, they supported their son probably because he was a football celebrity.

Lijnen’s Defense:

According to Lijnen, in her words to a Belgian publication Story Magazine…she said…

“I didn’t say anything for months because I couldn’t. Kevin’s parents threatened legal action if I shared my story.”

Kevin was proud to tell me that he had an affair with my old best friend. I gave him the choice: her or me. And I was ready to let go and give Kevin another chance, but our relationship was never the same afterwards.

“I was truly under pressure and felt caged. I decided I couldn’t stay silent any longer. That’s why I went to Thibaut, his best friend, for advice.”

Thibaut consoled me and took the opportunity to show the emotions he’s been hiding from me. He offered me what I had not received during a three-year relationship with Kevin.

He made me feel like a real woman. With Thibaut, I could talk about anything and everything. He even prepared delicious meals for me. Kevin never did it for me.” 

Meanwhile, Courtois and de Bruyne never patched up their differences since the incident. This was one of the reasons Kevin lost his form at Chelsea FC.

De Bruyne felt devastated about what his best friend, Thibaut, did to him. He could have stayed at Chelsea to fight for his place. But his emotions couldn’t allow him.

This was why he left the club and why he returned as a rival. His relationship with Michele Lacroix mended his feelings.

Kevin De Bruyne Biography Facts – His Thoughts on the Premier League:

In the words of Kevin…

“The Premier League is undoubtedly the best, but it is very difficult for young players to break into. I don’t see many English players playing abroad.

The influence of our Belgian players in the Premier League is beneficial for us. Perhaps it could also help English players to go abroad. Young players here often go on loan to the Championship.

Maybe it’s better for them to go to a top league in Germany, which is a really high level. There are many good teams there, and a lot to learn.”

It’s much better to play in Germany than to play in the Championship.

Already I have heard that English people like to stay in England. Maybe it is something like that, I don’t know for sure.”

Perhaps he has a point. Many young players coming into England from other European football nations have succeeded.

De Bruyne’s story has set an example for this. He got his success at another country beside his. Today, he is fluent in three languages, namely Dutch, French and English. The breadth of his football apprenticeship is impressive.

Kevin De Bruyne Biography Facts – Why He Loves London:

It is pertinent to note that Kevin’s grandfather’s house in Ealing is just 10 miles from Stamford Bridge. He spent Christmas there as a child.

Kevin was part of the Genk team that played Chelsea at a certain Champions League match years ago. Before the match, his family had a special reunion in London.

They gathered to watch him play that day. According to Kevin, “I loved London from that day. Though my mother has an English mentality, I am fully Belgian.

Their decision to converge for me made me feel so loved by the family. This was a major reason why I joined Chelsea FC. A club so close to home.”

Kevin De Bruyne and Mourinho Feud:

The Daily Mail reports that Kevin started in 5 games for Chelsea, and he was benched from the 6th game.

When he confronted Mourinho to asked why he was benched.. Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho reportedly said,

“Kevin, you don’t train well. More so, you are emotionally traumatized by your relationship issues.

You need to develop patience with life on the bench. Get yourself together, and you won’t sit on the bench.

This was Jose Mourinho’s reaction in response to Kevin’s confrontational questions.

Reports indicated that it was Kevin’s father, Herwig De Bruyne, who also pushed harder, demanding that his son play with the first team.

He even arranged multiple press conferences to address his son’s lack of opportunities and his potential interest in leaving the club. This prompted a response from Jose Mourinho, who said…

 “I am tired of Kevin De Bruyne’s disturbances. If you have a player knocking on your door and crying every day that he wants to leave, you have to make a decision.

His dad has pushed his son to cry to become a crybaby. He was an upset kid who lost form because he couldn’t manage his emotional life.”

De Bruyne’s dad, Herwig De Bruyne, later defended his son in response to Mourinho’s “cry baby” taunt, saying…

“Jose Mourinho’s claim about my son being an ‘an upset kid’ is very bad of him. He only said he wanted to leave because he wasn’t playing. Not because of his emotional life. I think that part of him should be a private matter.”

Chelsea finally sold him in for £18m to Wolfsburg in the Bundesliga.

Kevin De Bruyne Biography Facts – Proving Chelsea Wrong:

While playing for Wolfsburg, he scored 16 goals and 27 assists in a season. This helped him to become the Bundesliga’s outfield Player of the Year for 2015. This was followed by his quest to return back to the Premier League.

It was at this moment that Chelsea FC regretted ever selling him. This was Kevin’s response on going back to the Premier League.

In his Words…

“I am a fighter. I learned it at Genk and mastered it at Wolfsburg. Now am fighting to go back to the Premier League. While at Manchester City, I will fight to cement my place at the first team. I will also fight to prove Chelsea FC wrong.”

This indeed he has done. The man who has proved Chelsea wrong is now an Idol to many younger footballers who are following in his footsteps. One of these names is Charles De Ketelaere.

The KDB Clothing Line:

Kevin has his own pop-up clothing line called ‘KDB’, which is in partnership with the clothing label Cult Eleven.

A portion of the proceeds from his clothing line is sent to the Special Olympics. Kevin became an ambassador for the Special Olympics at the beginning of 2014.

The ‘Special Olympics committee has a lot to thank Kevin for in terms of financial support.

Its aim is to support disabled people with special facilities for sports. Kevin has spent more money supporting them than any other sportsperson has done.

Fact Check:

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