Once a Boy from a Dairy Farm: Rodrigo Bentancur’s Life Story

The story of Rodrigo Bentancur is heartfelt and inspiring, centred on overcoming adversity. It recounts the journey of a boy who triumphed in football despite the pain of losing a family member during his childhood. Known by his nicknames Lolito and Lolo, Bentancur is a tactically versatile midfielder with deep family values. Instead of taking vacations, he often helps his dad with the family’s cheese fondue business. Rodrigo grew up in the house of his dreams, a child’s milk paradise. In their small family home at the Escuela Superior de Lechería, no one buys milk from the supermarket. Instead, each family member, including Rodrigo, simply fetches milk directly from the dairy and drinks it. This unique upbringing has shaped him into the remarkable footballer he is today.

Our article goes beyond Rodrigo Bentancur’s career highs and lows to reveal untold aspects of his biography. You’ll learn about his childhood, his earliest encounters with football, and the unwavering support from his dad, Roberto, his late mom, Mary Colmán, and his stepmom, Cecilia Agredi. We’ll delve into his relationships with his brothers Damián, Matias, and Nicolás, his sisters, including twins Cande and Muca, and his strong bond with his granddad, Rodolfo Vera. Additionally, we’ll explore Rodrigo’s love story with Melany La Banca and the close connection he shares with her relative, Matias La Banca.

Once a Boy from a Dairy Farm: Rodrigo Bentancur's Life Story

Once a Boy from a Dairy Farm: Rodrigo Bentancur’s Life Story


Alongside sharing notable events from Rodrigo Bentancur’s early life, our goal is to show how he overcame numerous obstacles to achieve success in football. We aim to satisfy your curiosity with a captivating account of his journey. To begin, we present a gallery that illustrates his history, key facts, and career trajectory. Behold Bentancur’s story, from his earliest days to his rise to fame.

Rodrigo Bentancur Biography - Behold the Uruguayan Footballer's Early Life and Rise.

Rodrigo Bentancur Biography – Behold the Uruguayan Footballer’s Early Life and Rise.

Do you know why the tactically versatile midfielder is fearless? It’s because he carries the spirit of his late mother within him.

By the age of 17, Rodrigo had already made a name for himself. His fearless nature led him to debut in the SuperClásico for Boca Juniors against River Plate.

Despite his many achievements as a box-to-box midfielder, there’s a gap in knowledge about his life. Many football fans haven’t read an in-depth biography of Rodrigo Bentancur. We’ve created it for you. So, without further ado, let’s begin.

Rodrigo Bentancur Childhood Story:

For starters in his Biography, he bears two nicknames. They are Lolito and Lolo. Rodrigo Bentancur Colman was born on the 25th day of June 1997 to his late mother, Mary Colmán, and father, Roberto Bentancur. The Baller’s birthplace is Nueva Helvecia, Uruguay.

Early on, as a little child, Rodrigo got his Lolito and Lolo nicknames. This name has its origin from his baby brother, Damián Bentancur.

As a child, Damián couldn’t pronounce the name Rodrigo. He first began calling it Lolito. Later on, baby Damian changed it to ‘Lolo’.

Both Brothers (Rodrigo and Damián) are among children born of the union between their Dad (Roberto) and Mum (Mary).

Below is a photo of Rodrigo Bentancur’s parents, the persons he holds dearly to his heart. Unfortunately, Rodrigo’s Mum (Mary Colmán) is late.

Meet Rodrigo Bentancur's parents. His beautiful late mother (Mary Colmán) and a look-alike Dad (Roberto Bentancur).

Meet Rodrigo Bentancur’s parents. His beautiful late mother (Mary Colmán) and a look-alike Dad (Roberto Bentancur).

About Rodrigo Bentancur’s Mother’s death:

Did you know?… Lolito was just four years old when his beloved Mum left the world.

For every member of Rodrigo Bentancur’s family, it was painful – to live life without seeing the sweet smile of Mary Colmán. Behold one of the early days of Rodrigo and his late mother.

Meet Mary Colmán. She is the mother of Rodrigo Bentancur. She died when Lolito was just four years old.

Meet Mary Colmán. She is the mother of Rodrigo Bentancur. She died when Lolito was just four years old.

It was hard for Rodrigo Bentancur to deal with the death of his beloved Mother. To this day, his body has his Mum tattooed as his guardian angel.

The late Mary Colmán remains the reason Rodrigo wears the number 30 shirt. This number (30) represents her day of birth.

Rodrigo Bentancur Early Life – The Growing-Up Years:

After his Mum’s death, Rodrigo and his brother (Damián) were raised by their Dad (Roberto) and his new partner.
Cecilia Agredi is her name, and she (an Argentine) became the new mother figure of the Bentancur family. Rodrigo and Damián accepted and loved her.

Cecilia Agredi, together with her husband, raised Rodrigo and Damián in Nueva Helvecia, in the Cologne department of Uruguay.

Rodrigo’s childhood was all about being obsessed with football. Never a birthday passes by without his parents getting this beautiful football cake.

As a child, Rodrigo Bentancur's Birthday cakes were nothing more than a ball pitch where he represented one of the players.

As a child, Rodrigo Bentancur’s Birthday cakes were nothing more than a ball pitch where he represented one of the players.

Truth be told, Rodrigo had natural football likeness and playing ability. This is something he inherited from his father, a former footballer.

It was hard for Roberto Bentancur to deal with not reaching the heights of his career. So, he vowed to re-live his dream through his son.

As a child, little Rodrigo Bentancur had made peace with what he wanted to do in his life. All the boy wanted was to represent his country’s colours.

More importantly, to redeem his Dad’s lost football image. Like Kylian Mbappe, the youngster was always with a soccer ball.

Young Rodrigo, always with this soccer ball. The boy saw his future as a child. He always wore Uruguay's jersey, a sign that he would, one day, be a midfielder for the South American country.

Young Rodrigo, always with this soccer ball. The boy saw his future as a child. He always wore Uruguay’s jersey, a sign that he would, one day, be a midfielder for the South American country.

Rodrigo Bentancur Family Background:

The Uruguayan professional footballer comes from a household that has an appetite for business.

And also, football, thanks to his Dad. Rodrigo Bentancur’s Father was a former footballer who retired to become a coach and president of Artesano.

Before football helped him, Rodrigo Bentancur’s family had a Cheese Fondue Business as their major source of income.

Did you know?… while at Juventus, a humble Lolito still finds time to go render some help to his Dad and Step-Mother – in their family business.

This is Rodrigo, leaving his football duties in Turin to support his parents' business initiative. What a humble person!

This is Rodrigo, leaving his football duties in Turin to support his parents’ business initiative. What a humble person!

In the above photo, a humble Rodrigo left Italy to support his father’s initiative. Rodrigo Bentancur’s family and María de Lima (a Uruguayan mayor and politician) were among the promoters of a cheese contest organized by the municipalities of Colonia, in Punta del Este.

Rodrigo Bentancur’s stepmother (Cecilia Agredi) played a perfect role as the fundamental pillar of the family.

Roberto’s wife is a homemaker and a central figure in the upbringing of both her children and step-children. She has twins who go by the names Cande and Mica.

The Bentancurs are a close-knitted family who are bonded together with love. Cecilia Agredi kept the family intact after Mary Colmán's demise.

The Bentancurs are a close-knit family who are bonded together with love. Cecilia Agredi kept the family intact after Mary Colmán’s demise.

The twin children you see above – Cande and Mica Bentancur – are now grownups.

They are Damián and Rodrigo Bentancur’s half-siblings (related by blood through one parent – his Dad). Cande and Mica were born to their Dad (Roberto) and Mum (Cecilia Agredi).

Rodrigo Bentancur Family Origin:

The midfielder’s nationality is Uruguay, the second-smallest nation in South America.

Regarding his racial and ethnic Composition, Rodrigo is classified as ‘Hispanic and White’. This ethnicity accounts for around 87 per cent of people in South America.

Research has it that Rodrigo Bentancur’s grandparents (great) and forefathers (ancestors) were Swiss immigrants. However, a majority of most Uruguayan families have other European roots – from Spain and Italy.

From the map below, you can see that Rodrigo Bentancur’s family have their origin in the Uruguayan countryside. Nueva Helvecia, where he comes from, has around 14,000 inhabitants, and it is approximately 120 kilometres west of Montevideo.

This map explains Rodrigo Bentancur's Family Origin. As a child, the Uruguayan footballer enjoyed lots of milk.

This map explains Rodrigo Bentancur’s Family Origin. As a child, the Uruguayan footballer enjoyed lots of milk.

Did you know? Rodrigo lived in the house of his dreams, a child’s milk paradise. In their small family house at the Escuela Superior de Lechería, no one buys milk at the supermarket.

Every member of the family (including the twins) just goes to the dairy, fetches milk and drinks it. Similar to Savinho‘s family (Brazilian footballer), the Bentancur family home never lacked milk.


When the time got right, Roberto and Cecilia enrolled Rodrigo at School No. 10 “Elias Huber”.

This is an educational institution at German Imhoff, in Nueva Helvecia. The sweet thing about School 10 is its closeness to a sporting centre (in front of the clubhouse).

Cristina Hernández, the Director of School 10, describes Rodrigo Bentancur as very studious.

A boy who spends lots of time studying and reading his books. Rodrigo was the school flag bearer and was seen as an example for other children, including his siblings.

Even while reading his books, Lolito excelled in football. Also, he had a good relationship with his teachers.

One of Rodrigo Bentancur’s teachers, Natalia Zendri, once recalled how kind the youngster was so kind to invite her to his family home on his 10th birthday.

Career Buildup:

Understanding his son’s desire to become a professional footballer, Roberto (Rodrigo Bentancur’s Dad) gave him every support he needed.

As a child, he began playing with the Artesano Club of Nueva Helvecia. This is where his Dad (a former footballer) was president.

Just like Luis Diaz, Lolo enjoyed having a Dad working at his academy. Roberto drove his son there, and when he was older, Rodrigo went on his own, using his bicycle.

Because little Rodrigo was bigger and better than his mates, some kids’ parents questioned his age.

The youngster (Rodrigo) was different from the others. He stood out the most in terms of height and his playing abilities.

The youngster (Rodrigo) was different from the others. He stood out the most in terms of height and his playing abilities.

Rodrigo Bentancur Height Controversy:

Every one of his teammates understood he was of the same age as everyone. However, the parents of Artesano Club’s rival team disagreed on that.

Cecilia Agredi (Rodrigo Bentancur’s Stepmother) remembered the parents of the rivals arguing and questioning Lolo’s age.

Rodrigo was above other children of his age. He liked to run with the ball, and he stood out in height.

Similar to Romelu Lukaku, his impressive stature scared opponents. So much so that the other parents’ suspicions about his true age had to be addressed by his academy.

This is Lolito doing what he does best. He was one of the game's most brilliant stars - in his youth.

This is Lolito doing what he does best. He was one of the game’s most brilliant stars – in his youth.

Rodrigo Bentancur Biography – The Untold Football Story:

Back in the day, there was no shortage of anecdotes (interesting stories) in his first steps towards being a professional.

Because of his love for football, little Bentancur always wanted to be on the pitch. Sometimes, he forgets he needs time to prepare for matches.

Juan Spuntone, who was Rodrigo Bentancur’s youth coach, is one man who remembers him so well as a child.

This coach almost got into trouble when the most important person in his team (Bentancur) forgot his boots on the occasion of an away match.

On that day, Rodrigo’s team travelled to Durazno. Halfway through the road journey, Juan Spuntone found out he had forgotten his shoes.

For a boy that is taller than everyone else, Lolo’s big legs couldn’t size the boots of other kids. According to the coach;

It was a barbaric problem because it was impossible to lend him shoes because of his long leg. Thankfully, we bought a new boot for him.

This is because the entire team couldn’t do without Rodrigo.

That day, poor Rodrigo was half scattered. However, on that away match, he was the most outstanding on the pitch.

From that day onwards, Rodrigo Bentancur’s parents (especially Cecilia Agredi, his stepmother) always ensured their boy never forgets his football boots. One player we’ve written his Biography, Pedro Goncalves, was also forgetful of things in his early career days.

The Story of the Coach’s Failed Bet:

Here comes the next memorable football fun story of Rodrigo Bentancur’s Biography. On a beautiful day, he once embarrassed another of his coach, Carlos Mederos. It happened on the eve of a difficult final – an important game in San Pedro. A truly unforgettable game.

Carlos Mederos came up with a bet that if the team won the match with Bentancur scoring, he would give up all his salary for the month. Guess what?… Coach Carlos failed his bet. In that final game, Bentancur scored four goals, and the match ended in 11-0.

What happened after the failed bet?

The betting coach, Carlos Mederos, experienced the shock of his life. Thankfully, the coach was lucky that Lolito was brought up well by Roberto, Mary Colmán (his late mother), and Cecilia Agredi, his parents. The humble boy rejected the coach Carlos Mederos’ salary.

Despite refusing the salary, Rodrigo Bentancur did not let the coach go scot-free. The boy made a smart request. Instead of collecting the whole monies this man uses to feed his family, Lolito requested coach Carlos Mederos make a barbecue for his teammates.

These were the words of the poor coach who was about to lose his hard-earned salary;

Now, I will lose my salary. Well, Lolo later, I’ll pay you.

And Rodrigo replied;

‘No, no, I don’t need it.

Just make a barbecue for everyone and you don’t owe me anything.’

The push by Roberto, Rodrigo Bentancur’s Father:

At the age of nine, there came the need to make decisive steps in his young career. Rodrigo Bentancur began pushing for a bigger club, not just for him, but also for his brother, Damián. At that year 2006, Rodrigo had outgrown the Artesano Club of Nueva Helvecia.

Through the efforts of Roberto Bentancur, Rodrigo passed Peñarol football trials, and he joined the youth teams of the Uruguayan club. This is by far the bigger academy in Uruguay. Rodrigo stayed there for three years before the biggest opportunity of his youth came.

For being one of the brilliant academy stars, Rodrigo, at the age of 13, was selected for an overseas tournament. It was the 2010 Mundialito Danone Nations Cup competition in South Africa. This is the world’s biggest football tournament for children aged between 10 to 13.

Did you know?… The likes of Alexandre Lacazette, Anthony Lopes, Erik Lamela, Luis Alberto, Granit Xhaka, and Joshua Zirkzee have all played in the competition. It just shows how good this prestigious international event is.

Danone World Cup competition has been organized every year since the year 2000 on the initiative of Groupe Danone. Rodrigo stood out despite his team not winning the competition.

Danone World Cup competition has been organized every year since the year 2000 on the initiative of Groupe Danone. Rodrigo stood out despite his team not winning the competition.

That 2010 was a FIFA World Cup year. Do you remember? That Uruguay’s men’s football had the likes of Edinson Cavani and Diego Godin, etc. Luis Suarez’s controversial handball against Kevin-Prince Boateng’s Ghana was the major highlight of the 2010 World Cup.

Road to Fame Story:

Lolito, as his parents nicknamed him, is famous for his days with the Argentine football club Boca Juniors. This is a club that has gotten great names in the past and recently. Two good examples are the likes of Diego Maradona and Alexis Mac Allister.

But how did Bentancur, at that tender age, get to play for a football club in Argentina – the home of this stepmother (Cecilia Agredi)? Well, our research points to nothing but luck, which happened at a football conference. An event that changed Rodrigo’s destiny.

On a beautiful Saturday, Destiny brought luck to Rodrigo. That day, his old team (Artesano), where his father (Rodrigo) was president, arrived at the venue for a course taught by Professor Horacio Anselmi. This man is a former pro with a long career at Boca Juniors.

Young Rodrigo Bentancur followed his Dad to that training seminar. While the professor was teaching, he asked for three teenage volunteers to do a practice. Among the boys who came forward was Lolo (Rodrigo Bentancur).

The Luck:

As the professor carried out his practical evaluations, one of the boys (Rodrigo) surprised him. Bentancur performed everything the professor asked of him. The excitement he caused made the Professor change his format – where he began using only him to practice. When Professor Horacio Anselmi finished his evaluation, he told all the participants what he felt about Rodrigo Benteancur. These were his words;

Professor Horacio Anselmi is the man who changed Rodrigo Bentancur's Life. He was responsible for him joining Boca Juniors of Argentina.

Professor Horacio Anselmi is the man who changed Rodrigo Bentancur’s Life. He was responsible for him joining Boca Juniors of Argentina.

This boy (referring to Rodrigo) is a Diamond.

He is worthy of playing in the academy of a first division Argentine soccer team.

The next thing Professor Horacio Anselmi did took everyone by shock, especially Rodrigo Bentancur’s family. He took his time to prepare a scout report and then went to Boca to submit it. He then told the academy management about a certain Rodrigo Bentancur.

Early Life with Boca Juniors:

Thanks to Professor Horacio Anselmi’s recommendation, Lucky Rodrigo found himself in the books of Boca Juniors. As a teenager, leaving his family behind and swapping the cool/quiet coastal life of Nueva Helvecia for the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires wasn’t easy.

Bentancur, in no time, quickly started getting noticed. He learnt his trade at Boca Junior’s academy as the deepest midfielder in the diamond formation. This is a midfield pattern favoured by Boca Juniors for over two decades.

Rodrigo Bentancur Biography – Success Story:

Ask anyone who knows the Argentine Football league, they will tell you that SuperClasico is among football’s most fiercely contested derbies. Did you know?… a brave Bentancur made his debut on this occasion – at the tender age of seventeen against River.

In another SuperClasico of Buenos Aires rivals (Boca Juniors and River Plate), Bentancur scored, in a game where their rivals had three of their men sent off. Later in 2015, a few months after Lolito’s 18th birthday, he made his long-awaited superclasico debut.

By the end of 2015, news about Lolito had begun circulating throughout America and some parts of Europe. Also that year, Rodrigo Bentancur was elected by the Argentine newspaper (Clarín) as the revelation player of the year.

The Juventus Call:

A fast-rising Bentancur got to the Old Lady’s diary when he helped Boca win two consecutive Primera División titles, including the prestigious Copa Argentina trophy. At that time, Juve had just lost the 2015 Champions League finals, and Carlos Tevez got bored with the club.

The Argentine Legend (Carlos Alberto Tevez) missed his family. he got homesick and had the desire to rejoin his old club, Boca Juniors. That made Juventus do a clever business. For the Old Lady, signing Bentancur was part of their Carlos Tevez’s exchange deal.

According to the deal, it took some time before Bentancur joined Juve. So while at Boca Juniors, he, alongside Tevez, played and won together.

Behold the youngster, Carlos Tevez and teammates celebrating together.

Behold the youngster, Carlos Tevez and teammates celebrating together.

The 2018 World Cup Impact:

Just a year before the global football event, Bentancur received his first senior international call-up by manager Óscar Tabárez. In May 2018, Óscar found him worthy to be in Uruguay’s provisional 26-man squad for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.

Against all odds, a 20-year-old Bentancur, alongside Lucas Torreira, exploded in the Round of 16 match against Cristiano Ronaldo’s Portugal. On the 30th of June, Lolito helped set up Cavani’s second goal, which eliminated Portugal from the World Cup. Here is the highlight.

The Juventus Rise:

Upon arriving at the Old Lady a week after his 20th birthday, Bentancur never felt unfazed by the challenge he faced. He saw himself competing with elite players (Juve Big Boys) – the likes of Miralem Pjanic, Sami Khedira, Blaise Matuidi and Claudio Marchisio.

Did you know?… Bentancur was among the Juve team that beat United (1-0, goal by Paulo Dybala) at Old Trafford in the 2018 Champions League knockout. With the Old Lady, he won three Serie A titles and two Coppa Italias. Football made Bentancur for days like this.

Behold, Lolito's trophies at Juventus. He came, saw and conquered Italian football.

Behold, Lolito’s trophies at Juventus. He came, saw and conquered Italian football.

Why Antonio Conte got him:

Bentancur didn’t improve his game under Maurizio Sarri. Next, he suffered a bit in Andrea Pirlo’s dysfunctional team. Then, in the 20-21 season, Lolito found himself in and out under Massimiliano Allegri. Bentancur, at this time, felt he needed something new in his career.

Far away in England, Antonio Conte needed someone who would offer a glimmer of hope in his midfield. A fighter who enjoys making tackles and interceptions and knows the ugly side of the game. One name, Rodrigo Bentancur, became that Worker Bee Antonio Conte wanted.

Truth be told, Antonio Conte didn’t believe Tanguy Ndombele (CM), Giovani Lo Celso (AM), and Bryan Gil could give themselves up for Tottenham in the way he always demands things.

So, on the last day of January 2022, Rodrigo Bentancur, alongside Dejan Kulusevski, joined Tottenham Hotspur. That news elated Spurs fans as soon as the announcement came on the BBC Transfer dedicated page.

Rodrigo, alongside Luis Diaz (LW), Julian Alvarez (CF) becomes the biggest South American player to sign for a Premier League club in the 2022 January transfer window.

While Cristian Romero and Dejan Kulusevski looked like signings that would get Spurs fans excited in the short term, Rodrigo Bentancur became the bigger loss. Especially to his old family, Juventus.

The Impact:

In his biggest first match (a big 2-3 win against City on 19th Feb 2022), Lolito looks like someone who (alongside Pierre Emile Hojbjerg) have made Spurs’ midfield more functional.

To have made that step up (at such a young age) from Boca, to the 2018 World Cup. And then to Juventus. Furthermore, sustaining his football influence. Lolito is already becoming a football Legend. The rest, as we say of Rodrigo Bentancur’s Biography, is now history.

Having concluded Bentancur’s Story, it is now time to take you to a very important section of Rodrigo’s Biography. Next, we present to you all matters that concern Liloto’s heart. Without further ado, let’s begin.

Love Life:

For Lolito, being deeply loved by Melany La Banca gives him the needed strength to defeat dragons. Behold, the 2022 latest Tottenham Hotspur WAG, a lady with enamoured beauty, both inside and out. She is Rodrigo Bentancur’s Girlfriend, Partner and Wife-to-be.

Meet Rodrigo Bentancur's Wife to be. Her name is Melany La Banca, and she is beautiful.

Meet Rodrigo Bentancur’s Wife to be. Her name is Melany La Banca, and she is beautiful.

About Melany La Banca – Rodrigo Bentancur’s Girlfriend/Wife to be:

First thing first, let’s tell you how Lilito met the love of his life. Destiny made Rodrigo and Melany meet in the year 2015. The Baller has just finished academy football with Boca. And at that time, Rodrigo Bentancur’s parents have approved him to be in a relationship.

Rodrigo Bentancur and Melany La Banca started dating in the month of April 2015. They started as just friends, and their relationship grew, turning them into true lovers. Research has it that Melany La Banca’s Family is from Uruguay.

Melany La Banca and Rodrigo Bentancur are perfect couples.

Melany La Banca and Rodrigo Bentancur are perfect couples.

Rodrigo Bentancur’s wife to be (Melany La Banca) was born to her parents – her Mum Marcela Rimatori, and Dad, Mr La Banca. She enjoyed the best of her childhood life alongside her big brother. Melany’s brother goes by the name Matias La Banca.

This is Rodrigo Bentancur's Wife (Melany La Banca) in her Childhood. She is pictured alongside her Mum (Marcela Rimatori) and Older Brother (Matias la Banca).

This is Rodrigo Bentancur’s Wife (Melany La Banca) in her Childhood. She is pictured alongside her Mum (Marcela Rimatori) and Older Brother (Matias la Banca).

What is Melany La Banca age?

Based on findings, Bentancur’s Wife clocked 23 years as of the 6th day of April 2021. What does this mean? … It means Melany La Banca’s parents gave birth to her in the year 1998. Also, by implication, Rodrigo Bentancur is one year older than his wife-to-be.

Beautiful Melany La Banca celebrating her birthday in a low-key.

Beautiful Melany La Banca celebrating her birthday in a low-key.

What the future holds for Melany La Banca and Rodrigo Bentancur:

Our odds are in favour of them becoming husband and wife – in no distant time. The acceptance of Rodrigo by Melany La Banca’s Family has created a positive environment for every member. They eat together, watch TV together and enjoy each other’s success.

The future holds for Melany La Banca, and Rodrigo Bentancur is bright. This is because Lolito is accepted by her family.

The future holds for Melany La Banca, and Rodrigo Bentancur is bright. This is because Lolito is accepted by her family.

Personal Life away from Football:

Away from Football, who is Rodrigo Bentancur?

This section of the Spurs footballer Biography will help you understand him better. Starting off, Lolito is a gentleman. Bentancur is also family-oriented. Again, the Uruguayan is quiet off the pitch. Sometimes, you’ll have to tickle Lolito to make him laugh out loud.

When you visit Rodrigo Bentancur’s house in London or Uruguay, don’t expect to see only his wife, Melany La Banca. You are likely to find him with this great friend, his Dog. The Spurs Baller (like Joel Campbell) shares a very special relationship with his Dog.

Only Melany La Banca can come in between Rodrigo Bentancur and his Dog.

Only Melany La Banca can come in between Rodrigo Bentancur and his Dog.

Rodrigo Bentancur Lifestyle:

Speaking of the way the Baller lives his life, we refer to him as a complete antidote to expensive living. Rodrigo is not the type of person who uses his social media handles to showcase exotic cars, and houses, or deliver self-satisfied talks about his wealth.

At most summer breaks, Rodrigo and Melany enjoyed themselves at some of the world’s most exotic seaside destinations. For the two lovebirds, this is always a perfect place to profess the love they have for each other.

Rodrigo Bentancur Lifestyle - EXPLAINED.

Rodrigo Bentancur Lifestyle – EXPLAINED.

Rodrigo Bentancur Family Life:

Having a household that cared so much so him, especially after his Mum’s demise, is one of Lolo’s greatest blessings. This section of Rodrigo Bentancur Biography tells you more about his family members. Let’s start with the household’s head.

About Rodrigo Bentancur’s Father:

For many who know him, Roberto is best described as a football administrator, coach and businessman. Rodrigo Bentancur’s Dad (Roberto) was a former footballer who never saw much success in his career. As a result, he vowed to ensure his son lived his failed dreams.

As a coach and coach and president of Artesano (Rodrigo’s youth club), Roberto ensured his son got all the support he needed to excel. Today, Rodrigo now gives his Dad something to smile about.

This man sometimes becomes very emotional, especially when he gives his own version of Rodrigo’s story. Watch it here.

About Rodrigo Bentancur’s Step Mother:

Great women have groomed successful footballers and Cecilia Agredi isn’t an exception. She, alongside Roberto, are the two greatest central figures in Rodrigo’s career. Cecilia is more than just a stepmom. Rather, a virtuous woman who protects her family at all costs.

Rodrigo Bentancur's Step Mother raised him in the absence of his Biological Mum. Here, she gives her story on Rodrigo.

Rodrigo Bentancur’s Step Mother raised him in the absence of his Biological Mum. Here, she gives her story on Rodrigo.

Did you know?… Research has it that Cecilia Agredi cared for Rodrigo Bentancur even while his late Mum was still alive. In her words;

At first, I shared the upbringing of Rodrigo with his mother until she became very ill.

Mary could not raise him while she was ill. Sadly, She died and Rodrigo was left in my care.

For being an Argentine, it was easy for Cecilia Agredi to guide her stepson, Rodrigo, while he left Uruguay to play for Boca in Argentina. Just like Roberto, she also has an excellent account of Rodrigo Bentancur’s story.

About Rodrigo Bentancur’s Biological Mother:

Three days before her demise, Mary Colman’s prayers for her son had begun yielding fruits. At that time, a four year Rodrigo was called to raise his academy flag and then collect his first childhood football medal.

Because of illness, Mary Colman wasn’t there to watch her little boy lift his Artigas honour. These were the words of Cecilia (Rodrigo Bentancur’s step mum), who became emotional while speaking about it. She said;

Rodrigo’s mother couldn’t be there, because it was a matter of days.
That made us think about everything that happened to her, everything Mary Colman suffered… She couldn’t see him with the flag of honour and that made her shed tears.
But now, she watches him carry many football honours with the same pride.

About Rodrigo Bentancur’s Twin Sisters:

Cecilia Agredi gave birth to Cande and Mica on the same day. They are the half-sisters of Bentancur. Just like Rodrigo, the girls grew up in their family home in Nueva Helvecia. They (all grown up) also attended the same school10 their big brother (Lolo) graduated from.

This is Cande and Mica, alongside their Mum, Cecilia.

This is Cande and Mica, alongside their Mum, Cecilia.

About Damián Bentancur:

Born to Mary Colman and Roberto, he is the younger brother of the Uruguayan midfielder. Research has it that Damián is also a footballer, like Rodrigo. He is also very tall like his brother. Early on, both Damian and Rodrigo passed through their Dad’s Artesano Club.

This is Damián Bentancur. He is Rodrigo's Brother who gave rise to his nicknames - Lolo and Lolito.

This is Damián Bentancur. He is Rodrigo’s Brother who gave rise to his nicknames – Lolo and Lolito.

About Nicolás Bentancur:

He is a proud supporter of his brother (Rodrigo) and the Uruguayan national football team. Nicolás Bentancur is more active on Twitter than the rest of his social media accounts. Nico, as they nickname him, remains his brother’s biggest social media supporter.

Can you spot Nicolás Bentancur in this photo?

Can you spot Nicolás Bentancur in this photo?

About Matias Bentancur:

Also, he is the brother of Rodrigo, a man who lives a more private life. Matias Bentancur (pictured below) appears to be younger than Rodrigo. Like the rest of his siblings, Matias is super proud of what Lolito (the Bentancur’s family breadwinner) has become.

Matias Bentancur (the second person from the right) is Rodrigo's Brother.

Matias Bentancur (the second person from the right) is Rodrigo’s Brother.

About Rodrigo Bentancur’s Relatives:

Matias La Banca, who is a true Ajax football fan, is the brother of Melany La Banca. He is best described as the brother-in-law of Rodrigo Bentancur. Although looking younger, he is older than Melany, his sister.

Matias is proud to have his sister in love with a football celebrity.

Matias is proud to have his sister in love with a football celebrity.

About Rodrigo Bentancur’s Grandparents:

If nothing is going well, the midfielder consults Rodolfo Vera. He is Rodrigo Bentancur’s granddad. Rodolfo, together with his wife and the entire family, are proud of what their baby Lolo has become. Rodrigo often finds time to visit them whenever he is in town.

Meet Rodrigo Bentancur's Grandparents. Rodolfo Vera is the name of his Grandfather.

Meet Rodrigo Bentancur’s Grandparents. Rodolfo Vera is the name of his Grandfather.

Untold Facts:

As we conclude Rodrigo Bentancur’s Biography, we’ll use this section to tell you some extra truths about him. Without further ado, let’s begin.

Why Rodrigo Bentancur wears the Number 30 Shirt:

There is a reason why he wears this shirt number.

There is a reason why he wears this shirt number.

The Uruguayan footballer wears the number 30 shirt in honour of his Late Mother, Mary Colmán, who was born on the 30th day of the month. Rodrigo believes the number 30 brings him luck. And wearing that on the field is a special way he connects with his late Mum.

As earlier recalled in our Biography, Lolito lost his Mum when he was four years old. He joins the list of footballers whose shirt number tells their story. Chiefly among them is Bruno Guimarães – who wears the number 39 shirt to honour his father’s Taxi.

Rodrigo Bentancur’s Salary and Net Worth:

As a professional footballer, he earns £75,000 every week. The table below breakdowns Rodrigo Bentancur’s Spurs Salary in Great British pounds as well as the Uruguayan Peso. Indeed, Lolito is a multi-Millionaire in the country of his family.

Rodrigo Bentancur’s 2022 Net Worth is approximately 5.5 million pounds. His wealth comes from his accrued earnings as a professional footballer, as well as his Adidas endorsement deal.

Where Rodrigo Bentancur comes from, the average Uruguayan makes 39,000 UYU per month. Did you know?… such a citizen would need to work for sixteen years to make Rodrigo’s daily salary with Tottenham Hotspur. WoW!

Meaning of Rodrigo Bentancur’s Tattoo:

The Uruguayan star’s body art, found on his left arm, also represents his late mother. The tattoo shows her standing on a football pitch, watching him play football. Bentancur firmly believes that his Late Mum (Mary Colmán) watches over him like an Angel.

The meaning of Rodrigo Bentancur's Tattoo - Explained.

The meaning of Rodrigo Bentancur’s Tattoo – Explained.

Asides from his left arm, Bentancur also has another tattoo on the right side of his belly. This body art also represents his late mother, whom he believes follows him and brings him luck. Without a doubt, the late Mary Colmán would be proud of what her son has become.

The Belly Tattoo also represents his Late mother, whom he believes is an Angel that brings him luck.

The Belly Tattoo also represents his Late mother, whom he believes is an Angel that brings him luck.

The Legends who made him move to England:

Did you know?… former Liverpool forward Luis Suarez and Man United striker Edinson Cavani were behind Rodrigo’s decision to accept a Premier League transfer. These were the words of the Uruguayan midfielder before the announcement of his transfer via theSun Football.

“I was following my Spurs transfer situation while on international duty.

As soon as Luis Suarez found out that there was a possibility of me joining Spurs, he made himself available. By giving me as much information on England as I required.

Luis Suarez said joining Tottenham would be a great move for me. That it would help me both personally and professionally.

Edinson Cavani got involved too in my transfer, even though I will see him as an opponent. I asked him about joining Premier League and he said it was a spectacular league to play and it would benefit me greatly.

Rodrigo Bentancur’s FIFA Profile:

You can liken the Uruguayan star to have a mix of a prime Ever Banega, and Felipe Anderson in terms of his box-to-box midfield qualities. Bentancur has every attribute needed by a complete footballer. His lowest FIFA score is 55, for his finishing.

Behold, a complete footballer who possesses everything needed by a modern-day footballer.

Behold, a complete footballer who possesses everything needed by a modern-day footballer.

Rodrigo Bentancur Religion

He is a Christian. In Uruguay, where he comes from, two-thirds of the country’s population are Christians and nearly half of the population are Roman Catholics. Rodrigo Bentancur’s Religion is Christianity. More so, our odds are in favour of him being a Catholic.


Our Biography of Rodrigo Bentancur is a story of a boy who has come a long way (against many odds) to become a Premier League Star. Perseverance, confidence, and self-belief were his strongest watchwords. Not forgetting, that guardian Angel (his Late Mum).

Bentancur came to the world through his parents, Roberto and Mary. At the age of four, he lost his biological Mother (Mary Colman). Bentancur’s Dad married Cecilia Agredi, a woman who took care of him, his brother, Damián, and helped built their career foundations.

Rodrigo began his football with Artesano Club in Nueva Helvecia, his family’s hometown. He found success there, a feat that led him to bigger academies of Peñarol, and Boca Juniors. Further success as a pro with Boca earned him a dream move to Juve and now, Spurs.

Thank you for utilizing your precious time to read our version of Rodrigo Bentancur’s Bio.Our autobiography writers care about accuracy and fairness in our daily quest to deliver you South American and Uruguayan Football Stories. Kindly stay tuned for more! Surely, the Life History of Manuel Ugarte will excite you.

Kindly reach out to us via comment(s) if you notice anything that doesn’t look right in our Memoir of Bentancur. On a final note, please tell us what you think about the Box-to-Box Midfielder. Also, stay tuned for more Football Childhood Biography Stories from Us.

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